Baby balding??

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Feb 1, 2009
Toledo, OH
I have a baby that was just born here on the 20th and he almost looks like a chinese crested or mexican hairless. He isnt quite that bald but his skin reminds me of that type of dog. His head is fully furred but the rest of his is pretty thin especially for a chin. You can definitely see his skin.
There is no flakyness or irritation or infection look at all.
I would upload pics but for some reason my computer isnt recognizing my camera....:hair: If someone wants to see it pm me your cell number and I can text you pictures maybe?
Has anyone had that problem before?? I've never seen it in all my years!
I'm going to take him to work with me tomorrow to have my vet look at him but didnt know if anyone knew what it could be.
I would like to see out of sheer curiosity but am afraid I can offer no advice. I've never seen a chinese chin... =)
I've seen it before, but usually in smaller patches. Mom plucked his fur out. It will grow back as he ages, you can already see it growing back in. This isn't chewing, some females just get stressed by the baby or babies and pluck their fur while they're nursing (it can also be due to low milk production). She may not do it again with another litter, I've had a couple females that do it with litters of multiples only and some that do it with single litters only. Most don't do it at all, but there always has to be an oddball in the bunch.
There are 2 in the litter. The other male is perfectly fine though. Just seemed a bit odd. I will keep an eye on him. He is eating, nursing and gaining weight, so otherwise he is doing great!
Oh, interesting. I bottle fed 4 kittens (almost 20 years ago) with human baby formula and those kittens had sparse fur but recovered fine. I was going to suggest possible milk allergy Idk? Has that ever happened?
Wasn't there another post on here about 6 months ago where a breeder posted a picture of a kit that had normal soft fur on his head, but his body had what looked like straight fur?

There was a definate difference in the fur on his head and the fur on his body, but the fur was not thin. It was very unusual, but the kit was healthy.
I have seen that.q couple of times. Sometimes a first time mom sometimes a mom who got stressed. One of my best mommas did that when she gave birth right after we moved to the barn. I wouldn't worry unless it happens to the same mom a second time
ok yah this is her second litter with me so I will wait and see if it happens again.
Interesting thought though about possible milk allergy? I wonder....