I agree with Tunes, I think there should be a cap on how many kids you can have. Ok, some people say "well if they can support 40 kids, let them." No, see, the problem I have with that is that while they may be able to financially support 40 kids... how are those kids growing up mentally?
And even with less than 40, it seems sometimes (not always, but sometimes) the families that have the 7+ kids are the ones that cannot afford basic birth control - hence the 7 kids. My co-worker's brother is... 24(?) and he has 8 kids. 8!!! And apparently he only used birth control with the last girlfriend (they're all from different girls), and it failed. I don't know if he didn't know what BC was before that or what... but I think that's another problem... the lack of sex education. I say lack, because there really is none. If the sex education classes are anything like they were when I went to school, it was "don't have sex." Done. That's it. Um... let me share the problem with that--people are GOING to have sex, just saying "ok don't do it" doesn't quite cut it. If we could just tell people "oh don't steal, don't rape, don't murder" and that meant none of those things would be done, that'd be great... but it's NOT that way... Sex education needs to be revamped and teach the kids about birth control, reliable methods and such...
And another thing... with welfare and WIC and food stamps... if the people churn out more kids, then they end up with more free money from the govt to feed themselves and those kids. I really think there should be a cap on that. I don't think it should be that they have 2 more kids, they get an increase of $200 (or whatever it is). Yes, I know, that would potentially hurt the kids. BUT... if someone's already on welfare, receiving WIC, TANF, all of those benefits... maybe they should try to support the family they have without INCREASING the number of kids they have. I mean they already can't support the current number if they have to rely on those programs, right? I just find it ridiculous, because in effect, we're keeping the people in this vicious cycle. Think about it --why would anyone WANT to try to get a good job to get off welfare and those programs when they know if they have another kid they'll get more money... (and yes, I know, ideally they'd use that money for the kid, but still...). I mean they basically have no motivation to get a real job and get off welfare and get on their feet when they're getting free food, free baby formula, and so on (note: this does not apply to the few people that are on welfare and are actively trying to get a job and trying to get on their feet---but the majority of people that I know on welfare are lazy people that are mooching off the system).
I work in retail - I make $7.60 an hour... part of my job involves casheering and let me tell you, the people with foodstamps that are going through my lane with 10 kids a piece are eating WAAAAAY better than I can ever afford. I'm eating rice-a-roni and ramen, I go to friends' houses for dinner and I ask them if I can take home some leftovers.... the foodstamps people are having filet minon. AND, once you've rung up their groceries, and put that on their EBT card, guess what the rest of their order is? One of those motorized cars for their kids ($250+), blue-ray discs, nice flat screen tv.... which, of course, they need help loading into their Lexus SUV. But, wait, they're on foodstamps, how can they afford that stuff????? That's a problem with the system, in my mind. Sorry, I digress, but I'm not joking, this stuff HAPPENS and it just infuriates me...
On the subject of "maybe some people shouldn't breed" - I think if there is a class of people that shouldn't, I'm inclined to say that it might be the people on welfare. Again, not all of them... but so many of them are lazy, mooching off the system... while those may not be genetic traits, kids pick up things by example, and god knows we don't need any more people who are lazy moochers who rely on the system while the rest of us pay for them with our taxpayer dollars. /rant over.
On the subject of not wanting kids - I'm 24 and I don't want kids. I have absolutely no patience, and even my dog sometimes seems like too much responsibility for me. I love her to death, and I don't know how I'd live my life without her, but I can't even imagine a kid. There are days when I'm like "well darn, I have to go home and let the dog out, I can't come with you to the get-together." And don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade my dog for the world, but there are days where I'd love it if I could just pick up and leave for a week without having to worry about any pets or anything.
That said... kids? Not for me. I don't have that mothering instinct, I don't typically think most kids are cute, and I don't care to bring anyone else into this *sarcasm* wonderful world. And it drives me insane that people berate me for that. It's my choice, I don't HAVE to have kids. As someone previously said, I don't want to change a diaper, make bottles, drive to school, help with homework, etc etc someone for the next 20 years. I just don't, and it doesn't bother me that I won't have a mini-replica of myself running around. I'll donate all of my money to the humane society or something when I die, or heck, I'll spend it, it won't bother me that my heirs aren't getting it... Like people have said.... everyone has the right to have kids (and I have no problem with that), well then I have the right to choose to not have kids.