Thanks for posting the photos! I had a really good time at the show. Always a pleasure seeing my chin friends in person again.
Nice to see the work of hobby breeders making a large impact on the show results. Well done!
The baby derby entries were so cute. Wanted to slip a couple in my pocket. Hee Hee
Special shout out to the Atlantic Chapter board for their wonderful job hosting another successful show!! And to the people who helped set up and take down.
Want to thank those joining us for the first time! Glad you made the trip. :thumbsup: Great place to ask questions, see animals and find mentors.
Before shows I try to walk through the caged animals and make notes on those I believe will place 1st place or better. ( I do this to challenge my eye ) Some people had not placed groomed animals on the tables yet. So I just made do with those groomed and caged.
I chose 27 animals with numbers 2 through 158. ( I leave my animals out of the process )
11 were 1A animals.
4 were 1B animals
10 were 1st
2 were 2nd
Not bad. End results were Champion Female, Champion Male, Reserve Female, Grand show and Reserve Grand show.
I bought a beige male at the show and he's so stinking cute. :cute: Looking forward to his offspring. He was one of my picks before the show. I'm pleased he placed well. My pretty standard girl that placed 1B that I will be paired with him.
Brandy my chins love their new hay boxes.