Nibbles was doing so much better....was. Now she's go the head tilt on the side of the missing tooth. Her congestion is gone, she's breathing so much better. She's a little poofy in the gut this morning, yesterday she was fine. The baytril is doing it's thing, but I think we are now dealing with an ear infection. Poor pumpkin!!!
She's still eating and drinking fine, poops today are normal looking, but is freaking herself out when she's out, so she's holed up in her house. She's eating her CC just fine and has eaten more hay in the last 24 hours than I've seen her do in a while.
The ER vet said on the phone to keep her calm, quiet and keep with her baytril and CC. I'll call the normal vet first thing Monday if she's still twisting her head.
SIGH. I just want her to be OK.