At the vet...

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I got up this morning as normal, got the chinnies out for their chinnie time. Picked up Nibbles to clean her eyes (she get's crust) and she was blown up like a balloon!! She was burping and then there was fluid running out her nose. :cry3:
I scooped her up, put the others away and out the door. The vet didn't open until 7:30 so I just headed over there and was able to get her in right as they opened. She wasn't as balloony when we got there. But was stuggling to breathe. :cry3:
I had to leave her there for the day. Hopefully they call me in a bit. I'm at the office, and can be over there in 10 minutes. My poor Nibbles!!!!! My son called and said Dale is having a fit in his cage without her there.
Has anyone seen this? I know dogs can bloat, but chinnies?!
Send good juju to Nibbles!!!!!
I'm sorry. It does sound like bloat, I hope that the vet gets to her immediately. She needs some simethicone of some form right away to start treating the gas. I wonder if she got a hold of something she wasn't suppose to have.

Poor Nibbles...I'll send good thoughts your way. :)
I haven't had a similar experience and can't offer any advice, but I'll be thinking of Nibbles today and sending well wishes her way. I sure hope the vet calls you later with some good news! Just try to stay calm until you hear from the vet.

Just talked to the vet. He said they gave her some drops (simethicone) and she's already down to normal size and bouncing around the cage. She's eating OK and pooping fine, he's got her on critical care just in case. When he did her exam, he said he was digging around in her mouth and a molar is loose, so he poked it to see how loose and it fell out. This could be the eye crust problem and everything. He's started her on baytril for the infection that was under the tooth. So he's going to run an xray to check for infections or anything else and then if all's good going to send her home.
That had to be scary - lucky you live so close to a good vet!
Sounds like it'll all work out, thankfully!! Good luck!
I'm glad you got her to the vet in plenty of time! I hope she gets back to normal soon. :)
X rays are back

Yep, GI Stasis, but not fully - like it's starting (?) and we caught it just in time. She's gotten Subq fluids and CC and the meds needed to get things moving. She's pooping, so that's a good sign.
The vet wants to keep her overnight. I asked if there's Tech's there overnight and he said they leave at 8pm and come in a 7am. Ummm no, I'm not leaving my sick baby there overnight alone!! :impatient: I'm meeting with him and tech at 5pm to get a care sheet, all the stuff needed to nurse her for the next couple days.
Got Nibbles at home. We just did the CC feeding - she thinks it's candy and sucked it down without a fight. We did her tummy rub and now she's bouncing around the small cage in my room and rearranging it. She's feeling better than this morning for sure. her belly isn't tight, but we gotta get more poops rolling. I'm going to keep at it - got my alarms set and meds ready. I let her give Dale a goodnight kiss, he's finally chilled out.
Thanks for all the good juju....I'll keep you all informed!
Well, her actually eating anything at all is a wonderful sign and if she's eating CC with such gusto, she's doing just awesome! YAY!

Letting her out for a good playtime maybe later on tonight or tomorrow could help with getting her gut going more...exercise helps with gut motility for sure.

I'm so glad that she's doing well. :D It just makes me happy to hear a happy ending to this story!
I's also keep an eye on the tooth that fell out. Make sure if there is still roots that it grows back normally. Also u will have to keep an eye on the one directly below it as it will continue to grow and since there is no tooth above it to grind it down it could possibly become a problem.
I am glad she is eating ok and that got the bloat under control. I commend you for your quick action and getting her to the vet asap.
Did the vet say the xrays were good? Did the root of the tooth that was removed look good and not overgrown? I ask this cause you mentioned she had a goopy eye previously right?
We are sending chinny hugs your way. Good luck
Aww I'm glad she's doing better. I'm with you, I wouldn't leave either of my boys at the vet with no one there, I would just bring them home and care for them myself like you did. Good luck with her. Hope she makes a full recovery!