Arrested naked at home.

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Jan 31, 2009
Western NY aka: Our Zoo. (We only lack a bird.)

(Oct. 21) A Virginia man was busted for indecent exposure after he was caught in the buff. In his own home. Alone. Eric Williamson, 29, got up at 5:30 a.m. Monday and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. He was naked, but he was alone in the Springfield house, so he didn't think it mattered.


A woman and a 7-year-old boy were cutting through Williamson's front yard from a nearby path, according to WTTG-TV, Channel 5 in Washington. Through his front window, they saw Williamson having coffee in his birthday suit. Fairfax County police showed up and arrested him. Williamson said he had no idea anyone could see him, but police said they believed he wanted to be seen by the public, said WTTG, a Fox station.

If convicted, Williamson could face one year in jail and a $2,000 fine. He plans to fight the charge.

"If I stood and seemed comfortable in my kitchen, it's natural. It's my kitchen," he told the station.

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2009-10-21 18:04:51

My "bull pucky" detector is going off, for a couple of reasons.
1) Why did she have a 7 year old with her on a walk around the neighborhood at 5:30AM? Most of the 7 year olds I know are still in bed before school at that time of morning.
2) Why did she need to cut through his front yard to get where she was going? It's not her property, she had no right to be there, and no right to busy body about what he was doing in the privacy of his own home when she was the one outside the law at the time.
3) Straight to calling the police to file criminal charges? Not even a polite note in the mail box to let him know that he could be seen from the street?

My opinion: she went looking for what she knew was already there, got caught at it (or thought she did) and raised this fuss to cover her own backside. This guy's getting railroaded, and facing a large fine + jail time, because a bored old woman couldn't mind her own business. :impatient:

There's nothing wrong with being undressed in your own darn house, though admittedly closing the curtains isn't a bad idea.
[QUOTE=3CsMommy;108854police said they believed he wanted to be seen by the public, said WTTG, a Fox station.
Yes he should close the curtains, but this is stupid. If he wanted to be seen he wouldn't be doing it at 5:30am and I haven't heard he has a history of doing this.
People who don't dress kind of amaze me. I once had a man come through the drive through at the bank I worked at and there was a problem with his account. I told him I couldn't cash his check and he would need to come inside and he said, I can't I'm naked. Hmmm? Why are you driving around naked?
Why do you have to get up and sit down and drink coffee naked? How would you explain a coffee burn on your privates if it happened? What about if your house caught fire? Now you're standing around, outside, naked watching it occur. What if something happened to someone in your family--your daughter falls down the stairs and cracks her head open and is bleeding everywhere--are you taking the time to get dressed before administering first aid? What if someone stops breathing--are you doing CPR naked?

Put some clothes on for flip sake!

Although I do agree it's quite fishy to have a 7 year old up at the crack of dawn!
Oh, Laurie, that was a very funny story about the naked man in the drive through at the bank. What if a cop stopped him for speeding or he got into an accident?

Now, naked in one's own home is your own business. If your house caught fire or some other emergency occurred, you'd pull on pants and a shirt. It's the same as if 'what if your house caught on fire or a child got injured while you were in the shower'? You'd throw clothes on and deal with it.

I think the woman walking through the naked man's yard and complained about his nakedness should be arrested for trespassing and being a 'peeping tom'. That man wasn't bothering anybody.
I wouldn't have to pull on pants and a shirt if my house was on fire or if another emergency occurred cause I'm always covered! The world doesn't need to see anymore more of me than they already do!
I do hate to paint this picture, esp before breakfast, but I do strip down and put dirty barn clothe straight into the washer off of my back porch in the mud room. I also frequently have accidents and I strip down in the mudroom and truck to the shower really quick. I guess I could get charged too, cause we live in a trailer and my mudroom is just inside our back door which is glass on top half with the solar plastic on it!!!For that matter I could be serving time right now if I had gotten caught yesterday!! I was emptying our garbage cans to carry to dump,had gloves on too.Felt something move up my shirt sleeve figured it was a spider or bug but when I looked down there was a lump under my t-shirt and it was headed for the cleavage. I'm not afraid of mice but let me tell ya this one caught me off guard. No way was he getting to bite me in certain areas. I stripped off the t-shirt,flung my bra(poor mouse got bounced off the vinyl siding) all in public view!!!Glad the USPS guy and meter reader weren't there. According to my husband, they would have been ruin't and been on workmen's comp forever.He also said not to answer the phone or door today because the little mouse would probably be serving papers on me for assault.He thinks this is hilarious because I have a little safe mouse trap in my kitchen cabinet and have to let one go every morning! I've even talked about marking them so if one is a repeat offender he can be relocated further away than the back of our field!:hilarious:
I heard this on the news yesterday and was disgusted with it. The guy was in his own home, most likely just going from one room to the next, and she was looking in his window. I'd bet money her kid never even saw him. I agree. She probably was looking where she shouldn't have been and he saw HER so she had to raise a fuss. It's not like the guy was dancing naked in front of a picture window for pete sake.
It is HIS home - he should be able to do what he wants. Yes, he should have his drapes/blinds closed. Who would expect someone to be in his own yard at 5:30 in the morning. She should be arrested for trespassing. Plenty of people go naked in their own homes and why not - it is their home.
This is just ridiculous, I can't believe it. What about a trespassing charge for the lady? She could be considered a peeping tom! Or peeping Jane I guess. I walk around naked all the time, it is my business and I would be furious if someone told me what to do in my own home. My parents sit in their hot tub outside naked every single night. They have robes on and take them off when near the hot tub. They have privacy hedges so you can't see them unless you are on our property. My mom is basically a nudist...pretty traumatizing as a kid! We always knew when to stay inside, that is for sure. I doubt a judge will press charges, it is just not a crime.
Oh I would be in so much trouble if we can be persecuted for running around our house in the buff, THAT is all I am going to say.
Mercynursie: LMAO too funny. I too have "stripped off" after cleaning ferrets cages and and piece of I dont wanna know what fell down in my bra.
I agree she was looking for something and got it! her 15 min in the sun so to speak.
I hear this on the news yesterday too, I'm going to go ahead and assume that this guy probably slept/sleeps naked, and he got up, went to the coffee pot and started the coffee and was on his way to take a shower. To him, it probably seemed logical. It does to me as well. Why put on clothes when getting out of bed because you're just going to take them off again when you get in the shower, he just happened to make the mistake of wanting some coffee when he was done with the shower. Poor guy! I agree, it's his house, he has the right to do what he pleases. Poor guy. I hope whatever judge gets his case will throw it out because this is just absolutely ridiculous. QUIT LOOKING IN PEOPLES WINDOWS!
This is ridiculous. He was in the privacy of his own home and she only saw him because she was crossing his property. How can he be faulted for that. She is the one that should be charged with trespassing and being a peeping tom.
As someone who also sleeps naked, this story scares the crap out of me. I have walked around my house naked...shoot, I do it at least once a day. I have curtains/blinds on all my windows except the ones in the kitchen, but they are high up and always assumed no one could see enough of me (my head maybe?) so care. Now I'm going to have to get my husband to go outside and see just how much of me he can see when I am walking from the bedroom to the coffee pot...
Wow, that is ridiculous. I remember my mom always told me that "whenever you go to someone's house and knock on the door, never look through the window next to the door if there is one. You never know if someone is naked or not and never walk through people's yards, use the driveway and sidewalks” When I saw this, I just had to giggle.

So I'm guessing the mom was taking her kid to the bus stop early morning? So she took a short cut through his yard, saw him fixing coffee and called the cops. Obviously she was looking at him. Now, she would have a case if when he saw her and he ran to the window and showed off.

Uhg, it's his own home. How would she like it if he saw her naked in her own home and called the cops on her.

Indecent exposure. pfft. please.
Laurie? Do you shower with your clothes on? Probably not. What if your house caught fire while you were in the shower? Also this man was ALONE in the house. No reason for him to worry about giving CPR or first aid to anyone while being naked.

If is a really big word. you cant be covered ALL the time. What happened when you are in between clothes, changing. Do you stop putting on your clothes when your house catches fire.. Probably not..

Not Im going to be honest here. I walk around my house naked all the time. I also am up and home from like 3am- 6 or 7am the other times Im sleeping or out at school or work.. So the world is asleep when Im up. This reminds me of a couple who were arrested because they were having sexual relations in their own home and there was a space between the blinds and someone CAME UP to the window and reported what they saw. With out going into it the act they were doing was a common act between husband and wife but is considered "illegal" in the state of Florida. My thought is why does it matter to other people SO much that you have to PEEP through the window to see what people are doing. What they did was illegal too.

Also! Try this one on for size.. If you are in your home and someone breaks into your house and you know they are there and they trip and fall over something.. you can be sued for injuries/damages. Now you think THEY broke into YOU house they deserve to trip and fall or whatever. But no if you know they are there, you should alert the person who just broke into your house to "watch out"

The laws are stupid and are used to peoples advantages. Its amazing the court system is deciding to use tax dollars to prosecute this person.. And if convicted he can get jail time? Cuz thats what we need tax dollars to go to. Housing a man for being a human!
This is totally stupid I believe. They should not be looking into his window anyway as well as not using his yard as a shortcut or whatever. I've heard of someone breaking into your home being able to sue if they get hurt, which is so ridiculous! Some of these laws are so stupid. It doesn't sound like he did anything wrong and the womans story changes (or reporting is bad, could be both)- she said at one point he was out at his carport then went to the kitchen, next she said he was in front of his glass door then went to the kitchen- already suspicious and why is she watching him that long if he did expose himself on purpose?
This probably will go to trial since her husband is a cop and they are leading the people in the neighborhood by asking and putting signs up everywhere if this guy exposed himself to anyone else. So now it is likely people who have been flashed will say it was him when it is possible it wasn't (especially since a great deal of the time flashers don't stay around long).
The time has been changed as well now it's 8:30 instead of 5:30 I don't know if it's reporter error or what but yeah. I know school time has changed in some areas but wouldn't that equate to her bringing her kid late to school?
Yes he should of closed the curtains, but lets face it, he's a offence to you guys out

I see nothing wrong with what he did and I feel bad for what is happening to him because of some wacko woman. she shouldn't of been on his property and if you are going to go on someone else's property mind your own darn business if the person is undressed in their OWN HOUSE. ALot of people walk around that way at home, especially guys and there's nothing wrong with it.

What gets me even more is that she was trespassing and he is arrested.... She should not of been on his property without his permission.
Omg, Mercynurse, I'd have done that too... and I have a pet mouse for flip's sake! Neither he nor my hamster are welcome *under* my clothes.

That said, I live with a darn 3 year old and still manage to be naked (and comfortable) at some point of the day-- with the blinds/curtains closed. I see absolutely nothing wrong with not wearing clothes inside your own house, and yes, I've gone straight from bed to the kitchen for a yogurt to the shower first thing in the morning without stopping for something I'm just going to take off 5 minutes later. I just keep a bathrobe or night shirt close in case the UPS guy shows up, etc.

The time change issue between the articles (8:30 v 5:30) takes away the issue of why that child was involved, but if she saw the accused in 2 different places, it sounds to me like she was purposely looking the second time. Usually if you catch someone in that state once, the manners I was raised with say you don't look a second time. Apparently this nosy old bat doesn't have any... :(