Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

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They will probably change their name and be doing business as usual. It is sad but true.
I truly hope we are able to help out the chins & hogs and all the other animals are placed in loving homes.
I am rendered speechless! :hair: Who ARE these people? I am so angry with them for their appeal...if only animals COULD talk.
We are an approved Placement Partner. The following was sent this morning in response to transport carrier questions many people had.

SPCA of Texas Placement Partner Program:

The overall goal of the Pet Placement Partner Program is to place animals from our shelters that are not adoptable through SPCA of Texas Policy.

To participate in the Pet Placement Partner Program:
The applying agency must be either a 501c3 nonprofit organization or have necessary permits or licensing to house specific types of animals that may otherwise be restricted.
A Pet Placement Partner Program application needs to be completed and returned to the SPCA of Texas.
Animals may not be used for breeding purposes.
Animals must be picked up by accepting agency and will not be shipped under any circumstances.
Animals will be placed on a first come, first serve basis.
No animals will be held for any agency.
Animals will not be placed with any agency or an agency in the future that is involved in “The Pet Trading or Selling Business”.

If an opportunity is available to participate, a site visit may be scheduled by an SPCA of Texas Humane Investigator or a representative from one of our partner agencies. Acceptance into the program will then be determined and the applicant notified by the Rescue and Investigations Department.

Pet Placement Partners will be required to accept ownership of all placed animals to their agency. SPCA of Texas forms need to be completed for each animal. The SPCA of Texas representative will sign forms releasing ownership of the animal to the accepting agency and a representative from that agency will need to sign the form as well.

All animals must be transported out of the SPCA of Texas in a humane manner, following these protocols:

•The animal areas of the vehicle need to be climate controlled, having adequate heating and/or air conditioning to protect the animals from temperature extremes and to provide for their health and well-being. Temperatures shall not fall below 60° F or above 85° F, unless that species of animal requires temperatures that fall out of this range. A thermometer must be placed in any area where cages are located and a temperature display located within the driver’s sight.

•Transport cages or crates need to be secured within the vehicle and be water resistant to protect the health and safety of the animals. Such enclosures shall be constructed or positioned in the vehicle such that:

• The animals are afforded protection from the elements.

• The animals are afforded proper ventilation to ensure health and safety, including sufficient air for normal breathing.

•Transport cages and crates containing animals should not be stacked over other animals unless such enclosures are fitted with a floor material that prevents animal excrement from entering lower enclosures.

•Enclosures need to be large enough so that each animal has space to turn around, stand and lie down.

•Animals being transported must be offered water sufficient to prevent dehydration.

The SPCA of Texas will not allow any animal to be transported out in a manner that presents a hazard to the animal’s health and/or safety.

Approved Pet Placement partners will be assigned a schedule for transferring out animals from the SPCA of Texas.
OK I didn't want to bring this up in the update thread again but I might have missed it but where in the post Rick sent from Dr. Brown did it say either way if it was neglect or abuse for them to have been in those carriers. It was just information and that's it. It was to appease us in the care now being given to the chins. At least that's what I got from it. I mean I saw the carriers they lived in they were taken out put in adequate housing for the time being and are allowed playtime at least twice a week. I didn't read anything into that either way. However I do feel any judge that would give these people back the privilege of owning an animal is a fool when you consider the care given to the animals that were already there. I do hope that they don't give the animals that weren't dying yet back. That would most assuredly be absurd. LOL I watch animal cops and when it was based in Houston generally speaking all animals were seized even if some where ok and rest were not. I don't know if that has any relevance here but I thought I would put that out there. The only time this didn't happen that I am aware of is under special circumstances like some of the hoarding cases. Those people were often worked with closely to get things back in order and down to one or two pets and that's it. If they failed to comply and began hoarding, neglecting, and abusing then all the animals would be taken and their right to own them. This I believe is because hoarding by the law is generally viewed as a mental defect in the person involved. Sorry I know some of that may have been a little off track but I wanted to give a clear picture. To sum things up we all agree the shipping crates do not equate abuse but what happened to the animals that already lived there does and only a complete moron would let these people have any animals back. So if a defense lawyer does read this forum they can stick that in their pipe, smoke it and ponder on that for a little while. Strange thing is I don't feel like if these people have personal pets at home they should be involved in this case or taken away unless they are as severely neglected and abused. People often separate business with their personal life and I imagine their personal animals are well treated and cared for.
Once the if/when rescue gets underway, email will be used extensively. A message was just sent to everyone involved, adopting, fostering, or transporting as well as to a few others who can or have helped.

If you haven't received this email and think you should have, check your spam filter. If it's not there, please email me and let me know.
Not trying to be difficult, but is that the midnight that is coming in less than 12 hours, or the midnight after? I would assume it would be the former since that is technically when Saturday begins, but who knows?
I believe that by Saturday Midnight - they have all day Saturday and then after 11:59pm Saturday - the decision will be made.
From Dr Brown:

"Also there were less then 70 when I left due to another two losses and I know that at least one staff member is taking a chin and maybe more."
Fwded by Dr Brown from Anne Barnes, Senior Vice President of Operations of the TX SPCA:

"We have been receiving the supplies and at the moment are good. We should hear something by Monday about the results of the appeal so hopefully we can get them placed before we need anything additional."
I sure hope who ever ends up with these chins follows a great quarantine program as with all they have been through and what they may have been exposed to along the way could wipe out every thing else you have.
Unfortunately my one rescue will have to be in the same room as them, but the rest of my chins are completely across the house. Hopefully they are healthy, but I will take precautions just in case.
I have all mine in one room

But also have an extra room to house them till my vet says it ok to put them with my other ones.
I know I will be keeping them in the living room on the tile for a bit. They will not be going in the chinchilla room for a few weeks
Getting ants in my pants excited!

I am keeping the highest of hopes that most of these chinnies, if not HOPEFULLY ALL of them will have a successful quarantine in their new homes! I am so anxious and excited to be able to meet these brave little creatures...the end is in sight!
From Dr Brown just now:

YEAH.....the second judge upheld the first judge's decision and the animals will be turned over from Arlington to the SPCA probably Monday or maybe Tuesday. The word came through by phone and the written documents will arrive probably on Monday to Arlington. I do not know how SPCA is going to orchestrate the movement of the animals but I wanted to let you two know that the case is now done as far as we know there is nothing more Mr. Shaw can do at this point. He best get all his money put away because hopefully there will be criminal charges in the near future if the city feels that they have a sufficiently strong case which they are looking at now.