Arlington TX Bust- Getting Ready

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I just watched that video, oh I love the pinto splotchy hedgies! Hopefully we get one to foster here!

Kristi, are you coming to the Boone show? If needed I could transport a hedgie that way for you if everything gets set up and moving before then.
Hey Suz- love the little white chin bootie that scurrys under the box in the video!
This is my last post on this thread and I will only be monitoring the new ones. First, thank you all. Next: not everyone who wants a chin will get one. A few people have been approved. Many references need to be checked. Don't spend $ setting up until you have heard from me.

If you haven't sent me your full info, do so. If I don't have it Monday, you won't be on any list.

If you want a private adoption and I have your info, I will be sending an application/questionaire to you. If you haven't received one by Monday, let me know. You will need to provide a quality home: an acceptable cage, a wheel and accepted food, care, vet and playtime standards as they are generally accepted on this forum. These are guides, not absolutes. There will be no fee if you meet these standards. If you are unsure about quarantine Iseparation is a more accurate term), care or anything, ask in the appropriate forum.

If you want to foster and you are not a rescue, we need to talk. Fostering means caring for them until they can be adopted, expenses need to be discussed. It is difficult to work much beyond the Gulf South region.

Transport people: the system is in flux. More info in the applicable thread soon.

Rescues and rescue/breeders that have a clear demarcation between the two are being dealt with directly by me.

Stay tuned. I am working as fast as I can.

PLEASE: Contact me directly by email only: This has been approved by the administrators. Duplication and the email notifications of PM's are really slowing me down.

Again, thanks. I need your help but we are past the emergency level and are moving into the firm plan phase.
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