Argh! Craigslist people!!

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Our craigslist breeds the same -people-....

"Hi! I have been wanting and looking for a chinchilla for quite a while. I would like to find one for little or around a year-two years old. I am starting from almost scratch. I do not have a cage, food, or extras. I have had experience with smaller critters before, such as guinea pigs, and hamsters; so your little furry animal will be loved and taken care of till it's heart is content! Please e-mail me if you have one available."

Yes, because your experience with "smaller critters" is going to feed, shelter and care for the animal all in itself? And they say "almost from scratch" ....pray tell what it is that you are starting out with, besides stupidity?

And from the same town (suspicious)...

"Hello! I am looking for a good size chinchilla cage that can home multiple chins. I am also looking for a female chinchilla, if possible. I currently own one 8 month old male chinchilla with all the required necessities, and I am quite eager to start up a small family of their own! If you e-mail me further information, please post the subject as "Chinchilla Cage," to avoid scam. Thanks! "

You can't afford another cage or chinchilla but you want me to give them to you so that you can breed more that you can't afford to care for? Really?
I bought all my 3 chins off of Craigslist... but to be kinda honest, possibly a bit mean, I almost feel like I rescued them.

It was the most obvious with my last chin. There was a posting about a litter of 3 kits (2 males, 1 female) that were for sale and were 5 months old... There wasn't really a problem so much with the ad but rather the situation I found when I went to see him and pick him up.

I got the runt of the litter which is fine, because I don't care about size as long as he's healthy and well behaved, but I saw conditions and heard the person talking about stuff that really made me sad. She was sincere when she thought she was doing everything right and she also mentioned that she got these from her breeder friend who just decided to stop and passed these chins off to her. He taught her what she needed to know and gave her all the stuff she needed. She had considered them well taken cared off.

My chin was 4 months at the time, the father was 1 year old (so you can guess how old he was when he was making babies) and he only a little bit bigger in size than the runt I picked up. The mother was 2 years old and over twice the size of the father (oh and she suspected that mom was preggy again). Mom and dad were living in the same bottom bunk of the ferret nation cage. The top bunk was being taken by another larger male and the cage was separated.

Papa being a little pip-squeek could not be in the top bunk because the full sized male was beating him up and pulling out his fur. Papa was also getting beaten up by mama because she didn't want him too near her babies so poor papa kept himself on a little perch on the top most corner of their section occasionally pulling out his own fur...

I can't say I was happy, but I also didn't want to be preachy since I know that people shut down when being lectured by strangers so I gently let her know a few things. Now, I'm no where near a pro with chins, but there were just some things that were obvious and common sense to me... That and I know to research stuff before I get into them, especially when we're talking about living things...

I let her know some of the basics about male/female housing, self mutilation, not keeping plastics in the cage, and emailed her a few links for more info and stuff. Hopefully she listened and papa's better but I do feel like I rescued my chin from that situation even though I'm sure she'd say that it wasn't that bad.

I'm not sure it's a craigslist thing, but I thought I'd share in on the ranting a bit...
Found this one...

"Male Chinchilla looking for fun"


About Chinchilla Search

We have a young chinchilla seeking female young chinchilla horny and ready to give birth. Chinchi our chinchilla, has just discovered his special purpose; and that was just a few minutes ago. He discovered the essence of life in front of my eyes, my roommates eyes, and my sisters eyes. His new girlfriend is a white teddy bear from build-a-bear, about a foot tall, weighing about one pound, and a little on the chubby side. Our chinchilla is about 5 months old.

All joking aside, he discovered sex today and what kind of human would I be to deprive a creature of this world the opportunity to reproduce. I know there is someone who has a female chinchilla who is looking to have their best friend have babies!...I know you've been thinking about it and now is a great time to make this happen.

I have the cutest male chinchilla, so only the cutest female callers will be considered.

We are in the Towson area and have an extremely flexible schedule. So lets our chinchillas Mate, I mean MATE!"
I found this one today.

"mean chinchilla free cage (bolton hill)

Date: 2012-03-25, 11:10AM EDT

Ron Paul "ronnie the Bear" is a mean chinchilla
cute chinchilla has stopped being friendly. He's not a good pet and he eats too much food. He's territorial and has started bitting me. I let him out of the cage and he bit my ankle, drawing blood. When I pick him up I have to wear gloves or he bites me. He would be good for a chinchilla whisperer- somebody who knows how to change a chinchilla behavior. I'd be willing to trade chinchillas too. I'd like a nice one like my other chinchilla, Joseph.

He comes with a cage and a chinchilla igloo, and a dust bath. He eats timothy hay, alfalfa pellets, and not more than two raisins daily.

I don't know, he's cute when he's not being a dick. Perks of having this chinchilla: He's fat so he's easy to catch. He's mostly white which is a rare chinchilla color. I think he would probably be a good guard dog.

I do want a rehoming fee so that I know that you don't just want to make a glove and that you really want to try to fix him. "
at least that last one, the seller knows they are in over their head and want the chin to go to someone that will work with it. i do commend them for that.
Craigslist people make me cringe, these beautiful creatures that God has allowed us to have on this planet do not deserve to be treated badly in anyway shape or form. I wish I could rescue them all :)
" We also have a large hutch, litter box, locking food & water bowls, 2 tiers for his hutch, food, hay and hay trough, and aforementioned special towel. ONLY $20.99-but if you call in the next 24 hours, it's only $20!!!! "

I guess Billy Mays uses craigslist also.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that not all Craigslist ads are bad...Granted I have seen some doosies but I just have to share my recent experience. Every so often I do like to check out the ads to see what is out there and night before last under the Columbus Craigslist I found an ad for a male mosaic chin. To make a long story short I had a funny feeling that due to the city she lived in it might have been a Shoots chin. I emailed her and I had guessed right. So for $200 I got the chin, a Ferret Nation 142, a Bass pan, Shoots starter cage and a couple other fun bonuses. I felt it was a great deal.

My next stop after picking him up was that's right you guessed it I made a b-line straight to Shoots and was even able to track down his pedigree and Ralph paired him up nicely with a really great Standard. So goodness forbid the "dreaded Craigslist" but in all honesty not all of them are bad.

Moral of the story is that there are the "diamonds in the ruff" and I hope that people can appreciate the good as well as the bad. Sigh.

"I'm looking to buy a chinchilla for my brother. He has wanted one since he was about 9 and he is going to be 11 on July 24. I thought it would be a nice surprise for him..

I am looking to pay no more than $50

if you have a chinchilla you are willing to sell just contact me at ***phone number removed***

on Mon. Tues. and Thursdays try not to call after 5:20 for I go to school at that time....Thank you :) "
All of my boys came from craigslist was a breeder here in pittsburgh who was a ton of help, and still is...she referred me to chechinchillas in OH where i got another chin...i completely understand where craigslist goes wrong but there still are ALOT of good people out there and fortunately i found them :)
I just really wonder where people find their information!?! Some of the "facts" that people inform me about just makes me wonder.....
here is another one -

"I am looking to find a new steward for my extremely friendly and personable chinchilla pair -- a beige, reserved but sweet female, and an outgoing, comedic grey male. They are bonded, and have, in the past, had babies. They are very used to being handled (he makes a great shoulder-parrot), and I frequently take them on outings in my pocket with their leashes. I include with them a four-tiered cage, jars of food, timothy hay, and all their such-and-such."

You take your chins outside in your pocket with leashes!?!?! :banghead:


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Since I can't take in anymore chins I just try to tell people to go to a chin forum to help them find their chin a new home. A lot of people seem quite happy for the help.

I emailed this one with the name of a local chin forum (ontario chinchillas) to put her ad on there and also told her she should ditch the ball, get rid of the plastic lining at the bottom of the cage and should consider separating them and selling them separate.

Her response was this:

R U retarted?
PREGANANT 4 month? dunt even have any common sence knowledge. go google it okay? check how old chinchilla can get preganant 1st.
plastic thing is for underness there grass! easy 2 clean ! they dunt eat it, cuz they are not RETART!
rolling ball can kill them? hahaa even more funny. if it can , I dunt think there is rolling ball for sale in any petstore anymore!
U know what? I dunt think is good idea 2 explian 2 u anyway..
next time if u sooooo boring want give any bull stuff advise to other people , make sure do not say anything stupid.. thats make u really sounds like idiot! oops. maybe u r idiot.,. nothing 2 do at home all day,, just replay bull shiit 2 other people!
how about just tell me , u dont hv money 2 buy them ? poor people are not all like u!!
even u have 3000000000 dollars I wont even think to sale u a sh%t from them!
btw, do not replay me anymore.. thats only show u r a totally idiot.

I love people like this on cl. I emailed a girl once about the care of her animal and she just replied F ck off and I'm reporting you. Ummm...ok?! Lol

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Ugh, I hate when people say chins are good with kids. Most kids are impatient, rough, and irresponsible, so no they are not good for kids.
I see so many kids going into petsmart and begging their parents for a chin just cause they're cute as ****. I always butt in and tell the parents what it's really like to have a chin and they usually go with a hamster instead.

My kid loves our chins but she won't even feed them out of fear of being bit. Chinnies are not good with kids but I have seen a few exceptions where a chin will love a kid. My neice had a chin that would sit in a little metal bucket and let her carry him around the house. He was awesome!
I see good with KIDS alot on CL tho. Makes me sad because I have seen the damage kids can do to chins.

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This is great...

Sent an email, I tried to be as nice and helpful as possible.

Got this as a response:

First of all, don't tell me how to raise my chinchilla and who I should allow it to play with, you dont know didly squat. If a licensed professional vet doesnt see an issue with the bunny and chinchilla playing together, then I'm going to keep doing it. They've been playing together for ages, and nothing has happened. My rabbit will not SQUISH my chinchilla. I have a dwarf 3 lb bunny, and my chinchillas the same size. my chinchilla sleeps across my bunnies back when they sleep together, not the other way around.

I NEVER said my chinchilla doesnt eat. I said he doesnt seem like he eats much, but then again hes only ONE chinchilla and he eats mostly at night. I found out he is a healthy weight, hes just a litle depressed living alone. I know how to get chinchillas to get along. I am prepared with another cage for them to be side by side to get along first. I know what I am doing, and if they would fight or cause problems, i would change the habitats and make them live separately until they could get along. You arent just going to send me an email and tell me what im doing wrong, how i should raise my chinchilla, what to feed him, what to do, and make assumptions when you dont even know.

My chinchilla doesnt pick anything out of his food, and ive tried several brands and different mixes and varities so I knew what he liked best. Im not some dumb *** that doesnt know how to care for pets. I have plenty of pets and Im very educated on how to handle and care for them.

Stop telling me what fabrics to use and all that other bull****. I already know all of that, and he already has a nice cozy bed and all the things he needs. I know he wants a chin companion because hes been around other chins before and he lights right up when he gets around other chins. So once again, stop making assumptions.
I dont need to go to any **** website to learn anything. I dont need to be ****ing schooled on how to care for a pet.

And I didnt like your smart *** remark about
"did i even give him time to settle in before i started poking at him and throwing him in with another species"

first of all, yes he had time to settle in, hes a very happy chin. He just wants a companion. And no I never THREW him in with another species. He has his own 4 story cage, accesories and life style. He only plays with the bunny a few times a day. So stop making assumptions.

I dont care if you mean any offense or not. I took offense to it because you act like your my mother or some dman teacher on chinchillas. You act like this is advice. Its not. Its demanding, pushy and arrogant. MInd your own business. Dont reply to my posts if it doesnt have to do with selling a chinchilla. If i wanted to learn and be taught on care for them I would have asked. Stop wasting your time and get a life.


OMG A BUNNY AND A CHIN! YIKES!!! I often wonder how people know there chin wants a companion? Did the chin tell them?

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