Argh! Craigslist people!!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Chinchilla's love smangin' and as a result I'm in possession of the most badass chinchilla you've ever laid eyes on and I'm offering him (or maybe it's her???) up for sale to anyone who wants only the most kickass pet that one could possibly have.

With an average lifespan between 12 and 20 years this is the perfect pet to fulfill a life of solitude and lost hopes. This chinchilla is only a few months old as it was born during a long summer of chinchilla love.

If you enjoy watching Property Brothers while your pet poops in a cage and nibbles on dried condensed nutrition pellets then this is the pet for you. Long cherished for their quiet nature, simplicity of care and abilities to be turned into gloves and coats, chinchillas are the perfect pets for all types of pet lovers and/or fashionistas. Westsiders, turn that stereotype of carrying a toy poodle with you everywhere you go on its head by instead setting a new trend of carrying around a chinchilla.

This is not just a pet for those who can't afford a dog. In fact, ancient hieroglyphs depict pharaohs and queens enjoying the company of chinchillas while they watched slave workers build the pyramids.* Chinchillas are awesome in their complete lack of awesomeness and this chinchilla never disappoints. Are you longing for a dog but don't care much for walking down the street carrying a plastic grocery bag of poop? Are you aware that soon plastic grocery bags will be banned in Los Angeles and you will only be left to carry said poop in your hands and/or reusable canvas grocery bag? Are you thinking about the joys of cat ownership but can't stand the thought of spooning out chicken livers in gravy from a Friskies can into your nice dishware twice a day? Are you thinking about the joys of snake ownership but can't bring yourself to purchase mice to feed it? Perhaps you are a snake owner and you're looking for something roughly the size of a large rat to feed to your snake? Any way you look at it this chinchilla is for you!

You really should purchase this chinchilla for the following reasons:
1) it poops, eats, sleeps, and gives you looks of total disapproval all from its own tiny cage (cage not included).
2) it won't judge you when your girlfriend/boyfriend do for that thing that you said that you know was out of line but you said it anyway and then tried to blame your lack of tact on the fact that you had half a glass of wine with dinner.
3) it's badass.
4) remember that time you did that totally awesome thing but nobody was around to see you do it? This chinchilla can always be around for those moments and you bet your *** (s)he'll remember them.
5) it poops pellets...tiny odorless pellets.

Included is a photo of the actual chinchilla that will change your life forever.

*This is not actually true as chinchillas are native to colder environments and aliens built the Egyptian pyramids.

I was able to pull it up just now. Maybe I got something wrong in the link. Oh, and sorry about this idiot's language. Their just proving their immaturity.
I have actually created an account her on just to reply to this recent posting...

Thank you, Cuddlebug, for bringing attention to my Craigslist advertisement. I hope that you are quite proud of yourself for labeling a complete stranger an 'idiot' and 'immature' simply because you lack a sense of humor in regards to these animals and can hide behind a veil of anonymity on the web.

Please be aware that upon receiving the chinchilla mentioned in the advertisement I spent a ludicrous amount of time researching (including time spent here on, which is how I came across this posting) how to properly care for the chinchilla and have done my best to make sure that she (yes, I figured that out) is comfortable in her temporary home while I sought out a new place for her to live.

I handled a few inquiries on the chinchilla and passed on a couple of offers because I wasn't sure if the people contacting me were really aware of the fact that several of the statements in my ad were said in jest. Eventually, I decided to meet with someone who wants the chinchilla as a pet for his family and, despite my initial plan to sell the chinchilla, I will be giving her away for free once I find a suitable owner as I don't feel right selling her like a product.

I'm sorry if you disagree with the way that my advertisement was written but calling me an 'idiot' for that reason shows a real lack of character on your part.

Thank you,

:eek: oh my gosh..

"turned into gloves and coats, chinchillas are the perfect pets for all types of pet lovers and/or fashionistas"

^^ that's just not right.... :(
First time I've ever been genuinely mortified by a listing.

Looks to be a newborn or couple days old in the pic.


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I have actually created an account her on just to reply to this recent posting...

Thank you, Cuddlebug, for bringing attention to my Craigslist advertisement. I hope that you are quite proud of yourself for labeling a complete stranger an 'idiot' and 'immature' simply because you lack a sense of humor in regards to these animals and can hide behind a veil of anonymity on the web.

Please be aware that upon receiving the chinchilla mentioned in the advertisement I spent a ludicrous amount of time researching (including time spent here on, which is how I came across this posting) how to properly care for the chinchilla and have done my best to make sure that she (yes, I figured that out) is comfortable in her temporary home while I sought out a new place for her to live.

I handled a few inquiries on the chinchilla and passed on a couple of offers because I wasn't sure if the people contacting me were really aware of the fact that several of the statements in my ad were said in jest. Eventually, I decided to meet with someone who wants the chinchilla as a pet for his family and, despite my initial plan to sell the chinchilla, I will be giving her away for free once I find a suitable owner as I don't feel right selling her like a product.

I'm sorry if you disagree with the way that my advertisement was written but calling me an 'idiot' for that reason shows a real lack of character on your part.

Thank you,


Jeff, first, I apologize for calling you an idiot. I did realize your what you said in your ad is in jest, the problem I have with your ad, (as I stated in my first post) is that there are people who will not realize you were kidding around and would do the things you mention in the ad which would not be good for their chinchilla. I believe that an ad like that is irresponsible at best, funny, but irresponsible.

Oh, and I am not hiding. I can be found through here and through my website. The link is in my signature.
I have to agree, that post is pretty terrible. If I knew nothing about chins and read that, it wouldn't make me want one at all. Except maybe to take it out of that persons hands. Feed it to a snake? Come on man, absolutely tasteless.
Heere's another one to get you going.

I was emailed by someone this morning who was looking for a male for breeding. I decided to see if I could find some information on this breeder. Boy, was I ever surprised!

Here is a link to her ad.

Here is the ad information if the link doesn't want to work. I was having trouble with it.

$6000 -100
Chinchilla Stud Services
orem, UT 84058 | Oct 23, 2011
Add to Favorites »

Chitter Chatter Chinchillas is now offering stud services to approved females. Females MUST be vet checked within a year and have a clean bill of health.

Stud fees range depending on the color of the male that you select. All males are proven breeders, very social, and vet checked every 6 months.

Colors available:
1. Standard Grey
2. Wilson White
3. Pink & White
4. Black Velvet
5. Tan
6. Beige

Email for more information or with questions.

Thank you

If you check some her other ads on the same site, she also sells starter kits that are loaded with all kinds of no no's.

Does this bother anyone else as much as it does me?
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A large "ranch" (mill) in Socal offers to buy kits that their customers produce and they also prescribe meds to those same customers for those chinchillas, so stud service on CL, nah that does not suprise me. Even I had been approached by a local breeder here to stud out my 1st place BV and I know of people here who did do it.
The rescues that recently arrived here were from that ranch (mill). The family had sold 2 litters of kits back to the mill before bringing the chins to me.
Idiots abound, seen an ad on a classifieds site for some kits for sale. "Kits will be ready 1/12" the ad proclaims..."born on 12/2" it also states :( frickin I send them an email
If your chinchilla was born on 12/2 then he will only be 41days (just under 6 weeks) on 1/12...chinchillas should NEVER leave their mother before 8weeks of age. They can die. Maybe you should check out there is a lot of good chin info there.

To which they inform me
The baby chinchillas are already drinking water an eating regular food. They'll be fine

Sure, what do I know...frickin idiots!
Idiots abound, seen an ad on a classifieds site for some kits for sale. "Kits will be ready 1/12" the ad proclaims..."born on 12/2" it also states :( frickin I send them an email

To which they inform me

Sure, what do I know...frickin idiots!

Sure they'll be "fine" when they're only experimenting with food and water. But yeah, those great CL buyers will surely take better care of babies than mom can.
Im in shock looking at those post, i found this in my area:
I am a loving responsible pet owner and am EXTREMELY experienced with chinchillas I only allow pine or aspen wood and natural food for my chinchillas. I have three chinchillas 1 female 2 males (i didn't know i had two male until after i got my second) anyway I am looking to breed now and i have researched this for about 9 months now and am ready to breed but my first pair isn't breeding and its been a year now that i've had them in the same cage. So i need to get a female for my new male he is the one in the picture I cannot afford much so it would have to be VERY cheap or free sorry, however if they do breed i'm willing to keep you posted on babies and mom and even give you a free pick of the litter! i cant make any promises that they will breed though i'm just hoping. I am a great home for chinchillas though so you can rest easy knowing i've got them. please email, call, or text me.
really? if u don't have the resource for buying the female, how r u gonna pay the vet if something comes wrong?
There is a "breeder" in the Bakersfield, California area that is advertising chinchilla stud service on several different ad sites like Hoobly, Petleeg and Craig's List.
GEEEZ, that ad is just too hard to believe!

Female Chinchilla To Breed w/My Male - $1 (Bakersfield)

Date: 2011-12-27, 6:49AM PST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

I have a big handsome male chinchilla that is a proven stud (he has impregnated 3 out of 3 females). I am looking for a female chinchilla to breed him with. I have a large sanitary cage that we keep our male in that would be perfect for the breeding period, or we may consider breeding them at your home after we inspect, of course.
As stud fee we get pick of litter when they are weaned and ready to leave the nest, or a flat fee of $300.
If you are unfamiliar with the breeding process of chinchillas I will include a link to a very informational website, but it can (and often does) take 111 days from the time she becomes pregnant to the time she gives birth. During this time if you insist on keeping your female at your home a deposit will be required. Sorry, but we have been burned before and didn't receive our pay or kit (baby chinchilla).
If you are interested in letting your female chinchilla experience the wonderful feeling of motherhood, or want to sell me your female chinchilla, please call or text me at 661-340-5326 (7 days, 9am - 9pm), or message me here on craigslist.
Thanks and have a wonderful holiday season.
Chinchilla website: