Argh! Craigslist people!!

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While I agree 100% with Dawn's comment, I also agree 100% with Susan's comment. Just because a breeder is using wire cages, or smaller cages (ie runs) doesn't mean they are bad breeders in the least. The people feeding their chins fruit loops and frosted flakes are crap, but just because someone is charging $300 for an ebony doesn't mean much. Without looking at that chin you have no idea of the quality. I'm surely not saying that it is indeed worth that, just saying that people do have the right to charge whatever they want to for the animals they breed.
I have to wonder if its better to tell someone if they are not going to adopt a rescue chin, and they do not want to ask around who is a good breeder, the get one from a petstore. At least those that breed for petstores or sell to petstores have to have a USDA license, so at least someone looked at the animals set up and checks up periodically. May not be great but better than no oversight at all.
And, the petstores don't ask any questions. :p I just had three calls today from prospective buyers...none of them are up to snuff. Two WILL NOT keep it cool enough for the chins and the other one was unwilling to discuss much at all, she said she'd call back - she won't call back, I know her type since she was expecting quick and easy.

If anyone wants a really nice chinchilla, go to a rescue and get one that has been to the vet and, probably, cared for better than most baby chins even from good breeders. Hate to say it, but most of the rescues here have gotten more attention the last couple years than the babies because they've needed it more. And, the rescues have made it nearly impossible to breed for more than a couple babies every month or two. They're expensive for me to keep, but I still want to make sure that people are going to care for them as well or better than I can care for them... Still, no matter how desperate I ever would get to find homes, I don't think I will be going on CL. :D (I'm special.)
BYB's also could care less where there chins go or where they came from , show them the $$. My first choice, having chins as long as I have, is a adult rescue. No babies or teenager chins. Like I said, a pet store at least got chins from a breeder who actually had to jump through some hoops to get USDA certified so they had to be somewhat serious to want to breed. The people who are BYBs buy whatever they can, breed whatever and sell to anyone without any thought or effort. They make as many chins as they can, sell the kits before they have barely taken two full breaths and whatever does not sell dump on friends and family or the rescue then repeat the process all over again.
I am not sure where to put this, its probably a little off topic but:

I was just looking around and found this thead. A few thoughts immediatly popped into my head:

A.)Isnt it illegal to sell an animal that you got from a rescue? I am just thinking of the no kill shelter I got several of my chins from and if you "rehome" an animal from them you can be charged a HEFTY fine.

B.)How did an 11 year old get a chinchilla from a rescue without his parents there?

C.)does anyone know the outcome to this?

*Please move/delete/etc if this doesnt belong here. Thanks.
I think the legality of selling an animal you got from a rescue depends on (1) the rescue, and (2) the laws in the area you live. While I know of a dog rescue that has a contract signed that the dog will come back to them before the owner will sell it... I also know of many other places that either don't do that, or people don't abide by that.

I would think (note, think) that the poster was involved in their 11 year old getting that chin. Anyone with a reputable rescue would not simply hand over a chin to an 11 yr old who had the money to pay for it. When I adopt out chins, they can go to a family with kids, they can even be the kids' pet, but I talk to the parents, make them sign some forms, and all that... the kids aren't able to just show up themselves and do it all without some consent from their parent/guardian.
I know that any legit rescue wouldnt adopt out to an 11yr old without talking to his parents, but from reading the ad it kind of seemed like he just showed up one day with a chinchilla. Idk. Something about the post just seemed fishy.
the thing that gets me, if you are going to put pictures of the cage/ animal on a public place for sale, would you want them clean and looking good? Not nasty like I see so often on craigslist.......
I never understood that either. For craigslist, or even garage sales, I make sure that everything I am selling is clean and freshly scrubbed and looks as good as I can make it. And the reason behind that is that people are more willing to pay $50 for a nice cage that looks squeaky clean and almost new versus one that has dried feces stuck to it a layer of grime covering it.

I often look at craigslist to see cages and such, but before I will ever email someone asking about a cage, I have to stop and ask myself, "now, it's a steal for $100, but do I reeeeeally want to spend two straight days scrubbing the thing clean and painting it and letting it soak and then scrubbing it again?"

I will never understand why people do that. You wouldn't go to a fancy event wearing cutoff jeans, so why would you present the stuff you own as crappy? I think it reflects badly on the person. Maybe not always, I suppose that's open for interpretation. When I sell stuff, it's clean. When I see people selling stuff with a caked on layer of grime, I wonder what the inside of their house looks like (and not in a good way).

/end rant.

but when you see those poor two little angels sitting in the middle of all that nasty.....

you can't help but wanna go buy them and clean their dang cage :(
ok, this is causing a stir on my local craiglist. Someone keeps posting this dog and people keep flagging it and it goes on and on......

Please help this sweet baby
Date: 2010-10-10, 10:55PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

She is at Boyce - Holland Vet Services in Stuart, VA. They are going to board her for me untill we can find a rescue that would take her. She weighed 40 pounds. The chain weighed 26.7 pounds, not including the lock. he estimated her age at under 1 year. SHE IS STILL A PUPPY!!!!! As of right now, her bill is not too high, but we could use any donations. You can call the vet Monday morning and make a donation. We are trying to find sponsers so that we can get this little girl spayed and treated. As of today, all she got was a rabies and booster. I can not afford much more. Please help out, I would not ask, but I can not afford the care she will need and I have other dogs. She can not come back home with me. My husband is giving me another 24 hours to find a rescue or a sponser for her. Please can anyone help her. She is so sweet with people, but she shows all the trademark signs of a trained fighter. She cries when she sees a treadmill and runs to get on it. Please, Please help me help her. Will post pictures of her and the chain that was taken at the vet office this morning later.

It is a shame that she keeps getting flagged. Pitt bulls need just as much love as any other dog.

It shows pics of her all scarred up, it's really sad but if she is a trained fighter can she be broken from that training? or will she always be that way?
Do a search on Michael Vick's pit bulls. You may be surprised at just how many of those animals are doing now. One article I read recently stated that half of his pit bulls adapted pretty quickly and were allowed dog interaction, the other half took more time.