Ok the water bottle, I would go with the 12 oz not the 26 oz. I have one of those brand 12 oz for my two and it's worked well. Chins normally only drink about 1-3 oz a day, and you don't want to leave water in the bottle for too long, the water should be changed regularly.
The dust pan is fine, personally I prefer bath houses that are enclosed, the dust bath is really fine and goes everywhere. I got one of these gallon candy jars from walmart
https://i5.wal.co/asr/8d020805-fece....jpeg?odnWidth=612&odnHeight=612&odnBg=ffffff I like that it contains the dust more as well as has a lid for after the bath so the dust doesn't get dirty between baths since I reuse it several times before tossing it.
The granite tiles are good, I have a few, but if you want to cut some cost there, you can get tiles from a hardware store. You can even sometimes get cheap or free samples (normally for if you want to see how it looks in your house) of stone or tile, and if you ask some place that sells counter tops, they sometimes have scrap pieces that would otherwise be thrown out. I also have a few just plain ceramic tiles in the cage. The cooling tiles are really for additional cooling (like after running around) in an already cool room, they do not replace having an ac unit. Anything above about 70F and the chin will be feeling hot, about 75F and up they can suffer and die of heatstroke, but some like the old and young can die at even lower temps of around 72F.
That wheel can work, I have seen others use them, but personally I don't like wooden wheels, I would think a chin would chew it up, and if the chin gets sick it might be hard or even impossible to clean. Also if the chin gets ringworm (fungal skin infection) anything wood will need to be tossed. Most wheels the loud part is the bearings or just the wheel itself rattling against the cage (you can add bracing to help stabilize it). I wouldn't worry too much about getting a wheel right away, kits under 6 months should not have a wheel, they should be focusing their energy on growing, as well as they don't know when to quick and easily over do it. They can't regulate their body temp or blood sugar as well as an adult which can lead to issues like overheating, seizures, weight loss, and even death. On that same note little to no free running playtime until 6 months 5-10 minutes max.
The pellets are good, and it's great that you can get the same as the breeder is already feeding so you shouldn't have any issues.
Alfalfa hay is good for kits until about 6 months to a year, while they are still growing, but they do also need timothy hay, unlimited amounts of both hays. Alfalfa is a legume (like beans) hay so it's much higher in calcium and protein then a grass hay like timothy, as well as it's softer so not as good for tooth wear, so you do want to offer timothy as well. After about 6 months they don't need the extra calcium and should be switched to just timothy, it makes it a lot easier if they have been eating timothy all along since you will just be removing the alfalfa not switching hay.
Of the toys listed, the economical chew sticks are just popsicle sticks, they are ok but do splinter easy, I've never had a problem but it's something to watch for. The pine wood chews are also ok, but boring. Pine cones are not safe, the pine cone itself is but the sap inside is not, and it's nearly impossible to get all the sap out so it's best to just avoid them. Apple chew sticks are great, and a good option for a daily "treat" for kits since they shouldn't be given actual treats until older and you can give as many as you want. Pumice stones are good too, they are the type of rock the dust is made of, so chins like to chew them to get little dust baths between baths. I would avoid the cardboard, most chins just shred it but some do eat it, which can cause a blockage. The hay cubes are good too they give some variety, but once the chin is an adult they should just be treats since they contain alfalfa. I think I already mention the salt licks are no good in another thread.
From what I've heard chilldust is suppose to be the best you can get now, I personally have never used it though since I live in Canada and they don't sell it here.
Planning on getting a wooden wheel from Etsy. It's a 16" wheel so it's big enough. I'm afraid to get metal because of the loud noise at night! She's gonna stay in my bedroom.what toys would you recommend? Anything else you can think of?
Personally I would go with a metal wheel, as I mentioned it's mostly the bearings (you can get wheels made with quiet ones) and the cage itself that rattles and makes noise. A good store on etsy for wheels (NOT the basic wheel though!) as well as cage stuff and toys is
Where Every Pet is Unique Safe Handmade Pet by PandamoniumPets You can also check out the online vendor list on this forum, it's old so some of the links may not work but it's worth a look.
Grand master chin supplier list
Most specifically for toys you want a variety, chins are smart so they do need things to keep busy. So hanging toys, toss toys, as well as various materials, wood, loofah, coconut shell (NOT husk), palm leaf, rattan vine, willow vine, lava/pumice stones, bamboo shredders. Also just other things for the cage, tunnels, hammocks (anti pill fleece only), clay pots, ledges, and perches.