Anyone else overwhelmed with chinnie "stuff"?

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This is so funny.... I just sat down after getting all the boxes of wood chews and supplies put away and organized in the cabinet i have in the chins room. Still drives me crazy when people walk into my house and they see the chin room, poop and all on the floor. Just hired a contractor to close off their room with french doors so i can close them when people come in and for playtime i don't need the big wire gate across their room anymore. They are in what should be my formal living room in my house right as you walk in. But the cabinet i have their stuff in is a nice piece of furniture I am storing for my mom. Lets just say the chins decided to make sure my parents knew they were there. So now i have cardboard box cut open and wrapped around it. Does the job but not so nice to look at .
Funny about the doors, I am in the same situation with my son's playroom right now, it's the first room you see when you enter the house and we have been talking about putting a door there forever! My chins are in the back half of the family room so I have been on the hunt for a decorative screen or something to camouflage them a little lol. No luck yet. I did have a wall built so that their dust can't get into my kitchen since there was a pass through between the two rooms lol. We still have a pass through from the dining room into the family room but my husband and I installed doors there this weekend to help with cooling :)). What will we not do for them??! I knew I wouldn't be alone here ;).
My chins are in my room. I love to have my room spotless. If it's not, I can't sleep. The cage gets cleaned in the morning so I can get all of the night poop up, and before I go to bed so they have a clean room to play in. I have so many little things here and there and a big bag of hay. I went on IKEA's website and bought a tall dresser that's the same style as the rest of my IKEA furniture in my room and that's what I put the chin stuff in. That way no one knows it's there, and I don't have to see it. All of my food is in one shelf, all of their toys is in another. Ther first aid kit is in another and their hay takes up one drawer. I love it.
Take this, Dee! :p All my front room is again organized and everything is put away. Want to place a wager on how long it will take for me to mess it up again?

Seriously, all I do all day is play a game I call Pick Up/Put Away. Chinchilla stuff, dog stuff, husband stuff and my stuff all constantly being picked up and put away. I'm exhausted...
Wow, like everyone else said I can't believe how much stuff I have acquired over the years for the chins. At first it was easy to store, then it got so bad I had stuff everywhere. Then i went out and got those plastic drawer bins [dont' know what they are actually called] from walmarts, I got three of them and they are filled, and I still have stuff on top of my cages... For a small animal they do require alot of things to have on hand.
Tomorrow afternoon I am sure that I will have toy parts everywhere or have cage parts everywhere...

The chins have taught me to not stress out over a little bit of mess and that dusting the furniture is optional since it will just get dusty again in a few minutes...
I've only had Sesame for almost 1.5 years and I've accumulated a lot of stuff. I finally found some nice metal shelves from Target that can fit everything in a nice and organized matter (it's in the back-to-school dorm section; I just got off the tops of the cardboard boxes so it's easier to see and access the stuff inside of the box). It feels so good to have all those boxes of wood, toy parts, chews in a contained stacked manner, instead of sprawled all over the floor.

Now... if there was a magical way to keep poo and those long stalky pieces of grass that clog up my vacuum hose in the cage, we'll be all good. :D
Wow, I'm surprised at how much stuff you guys have for so few chins (except Susan). That mess would drive me insane! What do you DO with so much stuff? It sounds like you all might benefit from a "clean sweep" and donate to your local rescue/shelter. Except for my box of hay and bag of shavings, everything chin-related (minus my emergency carrier) fits under the cage in an under-the-bed tote and one flat-rate box. 99% of the stuff in the tote is just back-up supplies and metal toy parts. The flat rate box is full of wood for making my own toys that lasts me a really long time (thanks Alli!).
If you aren't going to use it in the next month or foreseeable future, throw it away! I went through my chin shed (yes I have 340 sq ft of floor to ceiling OUTSIDE storage for chin sutff) and you would not believe what I had out there. It was just crazy how much junk I threw away. I had like 150 kaytee plastic dust containers...why do I need those? No one is going to refill them... There's still hundreds of carriers and little cages and boxes and breeding collars and springs and feeders and whatever else you can imagine could be used for chins. I should have thrown it away before I brought most of it home. My problem is that someone will ask me if I want something....