Any Advice Bonding 3 Chins?

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hey everyone, I was just wondering if you guys had any advice about bonding 3 chins togather. Burrito and Cheddar are already bonded, so how to I add a third? Do I do it the same way that I did for them two? (Quarentine, cages side by side & playtime, and then supervise while togather) Or do you experts out there have any special tips? :))

I still have about 2 weeks to prepeare before she comes home from the breeder. And here are some pictures of her for anyone interested!:))


Little Puff-Ball :))


She is the one on the right.
three chins together? Hmm... nope will never work, better send that cutie to me! :wink2:

I am no expert, but I know one of the most recommended ways is using a smaller cage inside the larger cage. Put your bonded pair in small cages first and then rotate after a few hours, or even overnight. You can also trim their whiskers back a lot, this helps a lot of people.
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