Annie is One Year Old!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Today is Annie's birthday and she is now 1! :)) I think I'll celebrate it with her by letting her come out and play for an extra special long time today and with some treats.
Any good ideas for a hedgie "birthday cake" of sorts? :))

That is cool. While I am here..I have to ask. I have never "met" a hedgie in real life. What do they feel like? Are their quills sharp, or soft or what? They are so cute.
Happy Birthday Annie! Sounds like your mom has a great day planned. I personally do the human birthday cake for me, put a "1" on it (but I love any reason reason to eat cake), and a small dish of mealies and treats for the hedgie. That way everyone is celebrating! If you get a chance, we all like birthday pics!

That is cool. While I am here..I have to ask. I have never "met" a hedgie in real life. What do they feel like? Are their quills sharp, or soft or what? They are so cute.

It really kinda feels like petting a hair brush. It's a really cool feeling. They can be sharp when a hedgehog has them sticking up (if they are afraid or angry), but when a hedgehog is relaxed and happy, with the quills flat on their back, the quills are very not really soft...but certainly okay to touch and hair brushy feeling. :)) That's the best I can explain it.

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! I'll try to get pics up later.
Happy Birthday!!! Wish you many more!!! I must also say *cough cough* pics?
Aww, so cute! In the second picture it looks like she is very patiently waiting for cake and presents. :rofl:
Happy Birthday you beautiful little girl! I can't get enough pictures of your sweet little face. I'm glad you are feeling better too.