Meh, I wasn't going to reply to this, but heck, why not?
I, for one, do not enjoy the holidays. I personally find them depressing, a waste of money and a constant stress. In my family, there's always a fight about who didn't come to each other's get togethers, who has to fix what for dinner, who is spending the most money on gifts, traveling, etc etc. I personally would rather just not have holidays. I don't see anything to celebrate anymore. I love to see my family, but it's never a happy time, there's always so much tension. Not many care about the true meaning of the holidays anymore, and I've personally lost all interest in them as it gives me nothing but a headache. On Thanksgiving if I fix more than one plate of food, I'm told that I'm fat enough and shouldn't eat anymore - yeah, real nice eh? I'm sick of being asked by certain family members why I didn't buy them a Christmas present (when of course, I didn't get anything from them either, nor did I want anything) when I honestly cannot afford to buy for every member of mine and my husband's family - it's ridiculous and NOT the point of Christmas, and I'd go bankrupt in doing so. They just seem to expect Christmas presents from me. I gave out a Christmas picture of me and my husband in a frame to everyone last year - there was nothing but a grumble about how inconsiderate I was for not spending $20-30 on a gift for 100+ family members. Never again will I even try to please the crowd, I give up.
I don't see where being young or old has anything to do with the holidays. I think its all in the values of the family, the way you were raised and your personal situation. My family always went full out on holidays, weeks of decorating, preparing, thousands of dollars spent, etc. The older I got, the more fights, the more arguments, the more I heard yelling in the kitchen over why the food wasn't done quick enough. It got old, and it's just not a happy time anymore. Holidays were always surrounded by my great grandmother who loved Christmas and Thanksgiving and we'd have HUGE get togethers. She has now passed and things just haven't been the same since. My grandparents have a really hard time during the holidays now and there has just been a complete 360 turn around in the attitude of my family in the past few years since she's been gone.
As far as marriage goes - I got married at 18, have been married for going on 6 years now and I realized that I was an absolute IDIOT in throwing my life away so quickly and not enjoying my early life. If I had to do it all over again, I would never get married. I see nothing in it except a piece of paper and sharing of a last name. People live together happily without ever getting married and don't have to deal with the legal and monetary hassles of marriage and a divorce. So what if you get a few tax cuts?