and now... a LUMP

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I just received a call from Satin's vet. Satin's made it through surgery okay and is possibly doing better than her hedgiemomma who's home from work today with staples in her head, a migraine, and enough sniffles to warrant some store-brand Dayquil. Someone remind me...what's the LD50 on Tylenol :wacko:

Anyhow, big surprise: the giant lump which had grown to about the size of a quarter in diameter by last night was full of puss. PUSS! We weren't expecting that. At all.

So her vet carefully excised the thing holding in the puss, put in a drain, and sent a culture off to the lab. Meanwhile, we'll put her in systemic antibiotics - crossing fingers that we have the "right" one. We'll hear about the culture in a few days to know for sure.

I'll pick her up later this afternoon... hopefully the migraine will have cleared by then!
Wow indeed! This is great! I always pray its puss...

I bet your migraine will go away... little less stress on you.
Hopefully this is all a good turnout! Yay for puss! ...that sounded strange. :)

Believe me, sickness sucks. Over two weeks fighting with a cold. :impatient:
YAY, that is great news. Hope your migraine goes away soon. Why do you have staples in your head? What happened.
Talked more with the vet in person when I brought Tex in for his f/u culture and picked up Satin. She was hoping it would be a mammary cyst (wasn't). And, normally, she'd be rather happy with an abscess over a tumor. But given the context, she's pretty concerned. Apparently, some of the puss leaked into Satin, so she's pretty worried about infection... particularly worried "given the kind of bugs [we're] playing with."

So Satin came home with a drainage tube that we supposed to flush with the Amikacin. And she'll receive oral Baytril until/unless we hear we should be doing otherwise when the results from her culture come back.

Staples in my head... oh... had some surgery on my head on Friday. Some of my favorite memories:
Me: Ummm... I feel something running down my head... and I think it's me.
Me: Naw, not too much of a problem right now, but it it's going to start tickling me soon. And that's going to be a problem.
--> That was me referring to my blood that was busy running across the top of my head, down my forehead, and toward my left eye. The doctor caught it at approx eyebrow level.
Shortly thereafter, the Doctor: I'm going to need another hand in here!

mmmm.... good times....

So I'm on Tylenol, wearing vaseline and a hat, and trying to stay clean as can be; meanwhile, Satin's on Metacam, in a hedgiebag, and I'm going to try and keep her as clean as can be.

Good sign: after we got home, I gave her the Metacam, she (hopefully) ate some and most definitely anointed, then she walked over to her kibbles and started crunching on them.
Wow, it just never seems to end for you. Well I think puss is better than a malignant tumour so I would count your blessings anyway. We will all keeping hoping for the best end to all of this. Maybe the infection she is fighting was just trying to "get out". We have quills crossed here for her still (and you and the rest of your fmaily) as you get through this.

Satin's is a beautiful hedgiegirl... as always.

She was active and had her sniffer out. I carried her over to the toilet as she won't go in her house without running on her wheel - I took her wheel out to help with infection control & healing. She ran from hand to hand and did a good job of pooping and peeing. Poops are looking nice and firm; a good brown with a green tinge. So, pretty good given all that's been going on.

Her incision site is pink/red where the drainage tube goes in and out. I had to flush it again last night with the antibiotic... she wasn't amused, but at least it drained clear rather than full of puss.

Silly girl anointed with some of her pain meds. I'd like to believe that most of it made it into her tummy where it could help.

She didn't eat all her kibbles last night. Though, I suppose between the extra turkey cat & baby food to help hide the meds and her relative inactivity (ie, no wheel), it's okay she didn't come close to finishing them off like usual. I'll have to re-check her weight tonight.

ETA: so far (knock on wood), she's been leaving her wound alone. On the first night, she scratched at it a bit... I saw her do it and saw the blood on her nails. Started envisioning making hedgie mitts/booties... but seemed like that wouldn't really work. But since then, she's been good about it.
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I'm glad to hear she is leaving herself alone. I could envision pulling out the stitches and the tube.

Poor girl has been through so much and it's time she caught a break.

Hugs to all from all :)
She is such a good girl. Sending good thoughts that things continue to get better for her.
Another good morning in the Hufflepuff house. Little girl ate maybe half her kibble over night, drank some water, and snuggled into her fleece cube house. She was active and snuggly this morning. Had some good (though fewer that her usual) poops and pee after I picked her up and brought her to the commode.

Miss Satin weighed around 650g last night (she was wiggily, so it's an approximation). She's not terribly interested in her meds, but will sit still for short spurts in between a lot of wiggling. I hesitate to really scruff her given where the incision site is.

She's on the books to get her drainage tube out tomorrow morning.