
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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heya, new here... just picked up my first chins, Herb and Sage.

I got them from a rescue place in the SF bay area where they were abandoned in a foreclosed house.

One has an ear tag from a breeding farm and I know she is 9 years old, the male is neutered and, well... thats really all thats known about them.

They are currently settling in and none too happy after the 2.5 hr drive back home... (they are a bit stressed and still barking and nipping when I stick my hand in there for anything).

not the greatest of pics, but i wanted to let them chill and get used to the new surroundings, new house and flying saucer i put in with them (they arent quite sure what to make of that

Hi and congrats on the new chins. They'll soon settle down and they will be a lot of fun to get to know. They are highly addictive pets!
Welcome & Congrats on your new chins!! Give them a chance to settle....they have no idea what's going on or why....
Those two chins are so neat, I was working with CAchins at the adoption event on Sunday at the real estate office and they were there for adoption, they were SO GOOD! Congrats!