Allergy to baytril

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
I've been giving oral baytril to my chin for 3 days because of a possible infection on her toe that had been bitten (and the tip just ripped off) by another chin. The toe was fine but now it's swollen 3 times its normal size. Everything was going great until and went to the vet yesterday and she gave a shot of baytril. Few hours after, there was a huge red spot where the shot was given. It was blood, but when I tried to clean it, nothing would come off, so it is under the skin. Of course my female is just scratching it constantly so all the hair is gone. It also seemed really really painful as she was having strong reaction when I tried to clean it.

Is it possible that she would have an allergic reaction to a shot of baytril when she was fine with the oral baytril? Or would the reaction to the oral baytril take longer to appear? Could also be a missed shot I was told, the rection could come from that.

She was eating fine till yesterday, but yesterday night she didn't eat anything. She's eating hay though. I encourage her by giving her different types (orchard, brome, botanical, etc). I did feed her CC this morning. I have also been giving lifeline and acidophilus from the start of the baytril.

I'm calling the vet back at noon, she was not at the clinic. I'll probably bring her in today.

Any idea about that skin reaction?
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If they didn't dilute the baytril with sterile saline she is probably having a reaction at the injection site - keep the area clean as it will probably pop and ooze and scab over at some point.
(please note I'm not a chin owner). But it sounds like a 'baytril burn' to me. Baytril can cause a reaction at the injection site which causes an ulcer to form under the skin. If you do a search for baytril burn you will find lots of links for problems in reptiles & rats.
I was just on the phone with a good exotic clinic. They told me that baytril CAN provoke reaction to some chins when given in injections when they absorb it without a problem orally. The skin will make scabs and eventually fall. Problem is, she's scratching it all the time, so I guess it will take longer to fully heal. I need to keep that area very clean then I guess.

But there is nothing to be done actually. Just wait till it gets better and heal. It breaks my heart.

Poor little girl, just for a simple toe.... I almost wish I hadn't asked for the injection....
Yeah, baytril is a pretty rough drug, especially undiluted injectible. Keep an eye on her movement as well, because it can cause muscle damage when it isn't diluted enough (I'm not sure where the site is; if it wasn't an IM injection - in her muscle, usually the thigh muscle - then it is unlikely to be a problem). I'm sorry your chinnie had to go through this, and I hope she feels better soon! How's the toe doing?
Toe's still swollen. I stopped baytril this morning just in case it was due to the product, but I'll continue tonight. I gotta 'measure' actually the swelling in order to monitor if it does go down or not.