I recently started using gallon sized glass jars as hidey houses...I am pretty sure you can get a big glass jar at WalMart.
I recently started using gallon sized glass jars as hidey houses...I am pretty sure you can get a big glass jar at WalMart.
I used large glass jars as well! Mine are all the large pickle jars washed out of course and I set a small brick to hold it in place.
All of them can use it. Being that it is low and shaped round it is safe and all of them can run in and out of it. The babies can easily be in "hot pursuit" of mom if she tries to hide from them and they wanna eat.
Ralph & Barbara Shoots but that isn't feasible for you since you live in VT and they live in OH. The Wal Mart ones should be fine and easy enough to get a hold of....or like Dreamlite said...if you like pickles...LOL
No do not water it down. Try not to be too hasty when stepping in. General rule of thumb is less involved you are the better. Only start supplementing if absolutely necessary.
If birth weight was 56 and 52 and they now weigh 57 and 54 at 2 days old the weights are good. Weight will fluctuate over the course of a day so try to weigh at the same time each day.
The kits should start gaining more each day from now on. I would not supplement these kits. The kits are not fighting (which often indicates hunger) and mom is allowing them to suckle. Be sure mom has plenty of fresh water to drink and hay. Kits will eat hay when they are very young.
I weigh kits the same time each day. People can varry weight as much as 3 lbs in a day, so hcins will do the same in a smaller amount. Pick 1 time of day and stick to that or you will drive your self nuts worrying. They are up and they are only day 2, so that's good.