I <3 my Teddy bear!
What about the fresh veggies? I have never given lettuce or carrots, but the vet said that they can have that in their diet.
Did you ever find the article? I'm quite interested in a link between chins and stones, as I've had guinea pigs with stones. Personally, after years of experience, I think it comes down largely to genetic predisposition (for pigs) and have always heard/read that chinnies aren't anywhere near as likely to develop stones, so any information you can provide, I'd love to see. Thanks!This idea is becoming more prevalent in the exotics veterinary field. I have actually read an article in a veterinarian magazine written by an exotics vet about chins and alfalfa. She is recommending the all timothy diet as well for adult chins. I will see if I can copy the article tomorrow at work. She is also recommending a limited pellet, unlimited hay diet, probably to curb that alfalfa ingestion.
Alfalfa is what is best for rabbits, and I think all this time, that is what many people/companies have based their nutrition ideas for chins on.
I'll see if I can find the article tomorrow.