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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2009
i have two chins, mama and baby. ages 2 and about 6 months.
they have always been skiddish, especially the mom. I have only had them about 5 months. They have moved rooms and cages and owners im assuming quite a few times since they were born, but the few times ive adjusted things theyve never been spooked or acted different
i noticed about 5 days ago that when i reached my hand in or even opened the cage door they would jump down the ledges and hide under their saucer.
i also started switching their freetime room about a week ago into my bedroom which is chinproofed, opposed to a part of the living room.
i was wondering what could cause them both to start acting so differently.
the baby used to let me hold her for quite a while, now she runs and hides.
maybe they got scared of the room change? or something happened while i wasnt home?
any opinions are appreciated
It could be the room change or any number of things as Cathy said. Have you sexed the chins yourself? Just to make sure mama's kit was indeed a girl since it sounds like you think they have been rehomed so much in a short time maybe no one checked carefully...
i figured it may have been the reasons i listed, but was curious of other opinions-

yes I did a lot of research, posted pictures to someone I found and trust and found it was a female. I was also told upon getting them that it was a female but I wanted to make sure myself because I think its ridiculous not to..
would the kit being a boy/possible pregnancy be a reason for such sudden attitude change?