A reminder to watch your cage mates closely..

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I have had this happen with females as well. Also with pairs (male/female) it is one of the scariest things when you have more than 1
Thanks for the reminder and I'm so sorry for your losses. You reminded me the importance of being prepared for things like that to happen. What should i include in their first aid kit as i am planning to get one for them? Thanks
Yes, all are male. Though I have previously been against it, I am talking to my vet about castration after some advice that was given to me.

I am curious has anyone noticed a difference when your males are castrated?

I have always had female rats and I did have one of my girls Bella spayed to help prevent tumors, my husband thought I was crazy to spend that much on a rat LOL She passed away earlier this year.
Oh Stackie I am so sorry for all your troubles and you losses. I remember when you had your losses earlier this year. My heart really reaches out to you.

And thank you for the reminder. We do get carried away with hoping for a wondrfull cuddly pair that we forget once it happens that it may not last. I started finding clumps of black fur in the chin room last week and was horrified that Pia was now beating up on Nyx. But after sitting with them for a few day I found out what it was. Nyx is starting to molt and Pia will sit behind her and pull the loose bits out, roll them up and throw them from the top ledge in their cage. :laughitup: and a sigh of relief. I still worry about the day Pia reaches puberty... which is coming up. Eeeep!
Thanks for the reminder Stackie. I have a pair that has been together for 3 or 4 years. There has been alot of chattering between them lately and fur flying, but no blood. This morning I found what looks like a bite mark on one little guy's ear. They are currently in separate cages...very disappointing...but better than an emergency vet visit.

I'm very sorry for your troubles Stackie! *HUGS*
So sorry to hear of all your troubles with some of your chinnies. I've only had this happen once and it was with an extra dark eb that was going through his teen years. He was bullying one of my older chins. So I separated him and now he is doing fine with another cagemate. But you never know with these guys.
Thank you for your reminder.I was having outside playtime with Gizzy & Jetzii.SO I got a new ferret nation for them 2 but after reading your other thread and some fur flying Decide to keep them separated. Sorry for your loses. But thank you for sharing your stores to help keep others safe. Gloria
Oh, Stacie -- I missed this thread until just now when I saw the Bald Bostin Butt update. I'm so sorry that your babies are fighting.

As Dr. Fitzgerald said when The Snuggler started beating up Mr. Whiskers, "Man, those testicles are nothing but trouble!!!".

Kelley, I have had 3 males neutered, all by and on the advice of my veterinarian, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, the renowed Exotic Vet (his office is less than a mile from my home).

In both cases, I was able to get the 2 males that had been fighting bonded again and living happily together.

As far as their behavior after neutering, they spend most of their time snuggling on top of each other in their fleece tube, comparing recipes and making pies. :thumbsup: LOL

As I always say, though, you MUST remain vigilant and be able to separate them at a moment's notice if they decide to fight again. You should ALWAYS have a spare cage at the ready for just this purpose.