A new lump

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Hugs to you both! Hopefully she stays comfortable for quite a while longer to spend some more time with her mom.
I thought I would give an update on Rose. Rose celebrated her 4 year 5 month birthday just over a week ago. About 3 weeks ago I thought Rose's tumor had grown massively and became very hard, I was wrong. It now appears that there is a second mass at play. A week after discovery, the mass became soft and squishy feeling but was still there, several days later it was hard again, and then squishy a few days later.

Doc thinks this is likely just the cancer reaching the next stage in its progression. Mast cell tumors can create and secrete massive amounts of chemicals. Two of which are histamines and heparin. Apparently mast cell cancers are also known to change size, getting smaller and larger, sometimes even daily.

For now we are continuing with what we have been doing. I also have a prescription for meds to keep on hand in case Rose needs help. Just in case the tumor releases a huge amount of chemicals and it makes Rose seriously sick.

Otherwise, Rose is doing fine. You wouldn't know she was sick. Her behaviors are, well, Rose.
We celebrated our 4 year 6 month birthday almost 2 weeks ago! Rose's tumor changes from day to day still. Sometimes the area around it is swollen and others it softens. She's doing just fine though.

Her back legs have started to really get to her though. She's had arthritis in them for a long time now, but its becoming more and more obvious. She hasn't used her wheel much for a while. She's been on glucosamine/chondroitin since she was 3.5. Anyone use any other supplements or homeopathic remedies for arthritis that I may want to look into? I've been looking at some that I will bring up with doc later once I've researched more, but if anyone has a recommendation for something they have used, whether on a hedgehog or other animal, let me know.

Just wanted to say I am sorry to hear about Rosie's MCT. We dealt with it in my dog last year. Those tumors really do change size and shape so quickly. Not to mention they can look like anything (bug bite, pimple, cyst, etc) they have no set size, shape, or color.

Good luck rosie!! Hang in there sweetie, you are a fighter!
I've read a lot about MCTs in dogs and yes they are scary. Many books call them the great imitators. At least it has been slow growing.

How did your dog deal with it?
So far he did pretty well. He had a fairly large lump which honestly looked like a cyst on his back thigh area. They surgically removed that lump, and got clear margins. The biopsy done on the mass came back stage 1 borderline stage 2. He had another lump under his tail, maybe 2 inches up from the base. This one the vet couldn't remove due to the location, she'd have had to do skin grafts because she wouldn't be able to stitch it closed., or amputate the tail. She did some research, and discovered a procedure that she never did before and was very new out. What they do is inject a steroid (I'd have to look up the exact one used) in several spots around the tumor. Cases reported that within a few weeks large lumps have shrunk to a size that can easily be surgically removed, and smaller lumps will actually disappear. Within 2 months post surgery there was no sign of the tumor.

I don't know if the steroid treatment would work in her case? I'm not sure what drugs they can and can't have. I know it worked with Gavin, and it saved his tail from amputation.

Edit to add: I believe what was used in gavins case was triamcinolone.
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We have talked about putting her on prednisone. Prednisone apparently does work with MCTs. We have elected to wait until the tumor grows or until it starts to bother her though. Mostly in that prednisone is powerful and if given in chemo doses over a long time it can be hard on the body. Had the mitotic rate been higher I may have elected to use it earlier, but her's was low in both of the tumors we removed, so figure we might as well get as much quality time as we can. So far I haven't regretted waiting.

I'll look into that drug though. I haven't read anything about it yet with MCTs. Thanks!
Kal, I have read about the MCT reacting very well to the treatment of Prednisone. Luckily with Gavin, our vet did not think he was at a level that needed the prednisone treatments, or to do chemo. We're crossing our fingers that the surgery and the steroid injections will continue to work. I did spot a lump on him a few days ago, but at this point I can't decide if it may just be a bug bite or something more serious so we are watching closely until his yearly exam on the 23rd. The bugs love this dog and just eat him alive.

My understanding is the use of triamcinolone is still fairly new, but it looks like the tumors respond to the treatment. I did see that for larger tumors you may need to take them back in two weeks or so for another treatment. Seems like a good option for those who can't do surgery for whatever reason.

Let me know if you are able to find anything more out. Rosie is in my thoughts. I will try to remember to bring up the procedure Gavin had done with my vet and see if she has tried it again since Gavin.
I've found lots of talk on the internet about triamcinolone's use in dogs for mast cell cancer as well as its use for severe allergies. Seems to be a mix of good and bad. Most of the bad are because the animal had a reaction to it, and due to the fact it stays in the system for so long it is a lasting effect.

I'll ask doc about it and his opinion the next time we talk... which is likely to be in a week or two at the rate I've been calling/emailing him lately.
Were you ever able to talk to the vet about using it?

Gavin had his yearly exam, and I have been monitoring a new lump for the last two weeks. She could not get enough cells from it, as it was fairly small..but after she was touching it and trying it aspirate it switched colors and tripled in size..due to its reaction we decided to treat it as a Mast Cell..She ended up trying another injection of the triamcinolone as it worked so well for him the last time...If we don't see improvement in 2-3 weeks he'll need surgery.

Let me know what you find out, and if it may be able to be used with the hogs. It would be great if there is another option then having to put them under constantly!
We haven't tried it. I still need to talk to doc a bit more about it. But, one concern I have with it is that it is a long term steriod. So if something does go wrong there is no way to start weaning her off of it.

Today is actually Rose's 4 year 7 month birthday. Rose's tumor has taken a growing spurt and we did start chemo doses of prednisone for her last week. She is still on her first week but the tumor is shrinking. Hopefully it will shrink enough and maintain for a good long while.

Rose is also having a lot of issues with her back legs. We think its arthritis. Rose is a heavy hedgehog with thick legs. But I think the weight, her age, and the fact she's been fighting cancer since last August is catching up to her.
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