Well-known member
Hi everyone,
All six of my chinchillas are in Ferret Nations now (all boys, two to a cage). I know I LOVE the cages and have put a lot of working into setting up three of them; the chins have had various reactions to moving from Quality Cage Chinchilla Mansions to Ferret Nations.
The two "baby" chins love their new home. My second pair of males seem to have accepted it and are exploring and enjoying their fleece tubes and new toys.
... and then there is my oldest pair. They have been in their new home since April 18th. Pair #1 is not impressed. They are both about seven years old and have lived in Chin Mansions practically since I've had them (that's been six years).
Pair #1 have both gone to the top level, thumbed their noses at the new fleece tubes and hammock even though I put treats around and in the new stuff, and now they stay on the bottom level 98% of the time, sitting on the back shelf with pouty faces (you all know the face). Sometimes they will run their Chin Spin (that's on the bottom level) and they are eating, drinking, taking treats, chewing toys, and taking their dust bath just fine but they do seem depressed.
I've noticed my oldest chin's fur looks rather frazzled with small tufts of loose hair sticking, and I am finding little clumps of his fur every once in a while. He doesn't have any bare patches on him or a ton of fur loss... but this is *just* enough for me to notice.
I'm concerned because I know they aren't happy, and I'm rather exasperated that they aren't adjusting after all the work I put into it (they don't know that but still).
Then I remember that it's not even been two weeks, and that the chins are having a stressful change that will just take some time. I pray that after a little time, Pair #1 will come around and enjoy their new environment (it's 100% superior than their old one in terms of fleece items, play things, and things to keep them occupied although you wouldn't know that by looking at them as they sit and pout on the bottom ledge).
So I just have some questions for everyone:
A. Is there ANYTHING I can do to make Pair #1 settle in more easily?
B. Have any of you experienced your chins being depressed after a big cage move? How long did it take them to come around?
Thanks all,
All six of my chinchillas are in Ferret Nations now (all boys, two to a cage). I know I LOVE the cages and have put a lot of working into setting up three of them; the chins have had various reactions to moving from Quality Cage Chinchilla Mansions to Ferret Nations.
The two "baby" chins love their new home. My second pair of males seem to have accepted it and are exploring and enjoying their fleece tubes and new toys.
... and then there is my oldest pair. They have been in their new home since April 18th. Pair #1 is not impressed. They are both about seven years old and have lived in Chin Mansions practically since I've had them (that's been six years).
Pair #1 have both gone to the top level, thumbed their noses at the new fleece tubes and hammock even though I put treats around and in the new stuff, and now they stay on the bottom level 98% of the time, sitting on the back shelf with pouty faces (you all know the face). Sometimes they will run their Chin Spin (that's on the bottom level) and they are eating, drinking, taking treats, chewing toys, and taking their dust bath just fine but they do seem depressed.
I've noticed my oldest chin's fur looks rather frazzled with small tufts of loose hair sticking, and I am finding little clumps of his fur every once in a while. He doesn't have any bare patches on him or a ton of fur loss... but this is *just* enough for me to notice.
I'm concerned because I know they aren't happy, and I'm rather exasperated that they aren't adjusting after all the work I put into it (they don't know that but still).
Then I remember that it's not even been two weeks, and that the chins are having a stressful change that will just take some time. I pray that after a little time, Pair #1 will come around and enjoy their new environment (it's 100% superior than their old one in terms of fleece items, play things, and things to keep them occupied although you wouldn't know that by looking at them as they sit and pout on the bottom ledge).
So I just have some questions for everyone:
A. Is there ANYTHING I can do to make Pair #1 settle in more easily?
B. Have any of you experienced your chins being depressed after a big cage move? How long did it take them to come around?
Thanks all,