A little too friendly lol?

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2009
So I have had my chinchilla for about two months and the bonding process is great.
He will come out of the cage to me, I let him in the bathroom when I get ready in the morning and he likes to play with me, and always tries to get my attention when he is in the cage.
He is more affectionate than most chinchillas I think because he will sit with me, he lets me carry him around, and wants me to play with him constantly.
However, this morning I was giving him a chin scratch and he stood straight up so I started scrathing his stomach and then he tried to get on top of my hand and what seemed like hump it!
I am pretty sure he wasnt trying to just hop up.
I let him chill for awhile and he hasn't done it since.

Was he really humping me or what? Lol was the stomach rub too much?
Had the same thing happen to me with my chin, Pachuco. He sometimes would get a little frisky with my hand and go at it. Sometimes he attacks/grooms/does something where he scratches at my hand while laying on top of it but this was different. We got him fixed and haven't had a problem since.
Yeah, he was probably trying to hump your hand. One of the joys of having a boy.
Just watch out, I've read stories of people not getting away quick enough and they end up with a little more than they bargained for on their hand.. ;)
Had the same thing happen to me with my chin, Pachuco. He sometimes would get a little frisky with my hand and go at it. Sometimes he attacks/grooms/does something where he scratches at my hand while laying on top of it but this was different. We got him fixed and haven't had a problem since.

I personally wouldn't recommend fixing a male chinchilla just because he humps you...it's a risky procedure as it is. And humping is just part of the package...not a reason to run and get him neutered.

Euphoric- that's just a boy chin for ya. We all...uh...witness things we might not otherwise care to see. But that's just the way it goes. :D You might consider a cuddle buddy though. They usually like those pretty well....BellaBella on here makes them.
I agree with kayaky, I wouldn't fix a male for that particular reason. I did however have that thikng happening here too Euphoric.
Well I dont really mind it if anything i thought it was adorable lol
Just wondering if I was imagining it or not
Heh heh heh. Sounds like he just loves you a little *too* much. :D If you haven't done a hair ring check yet, get ready for even more fun. Thankfully I haven't gotten the whole show during one of those yet, but I'm sure my day is coming. (No pun intended.)
Lol, that wasn't even meant to be a pun.

I haven't gotten the humping yet...but I've got an eye-full before, from BOTH of them! I make sure to let the b/f know what his sons are doing so he can get an eye-full as well. HAHAHA!
I've shared this story before but will shorten it for this retell. I used to have a chin who would completely ignore me when I came into the room. Not that unusual, except for the fact that ANY time anyone else came into the room, he'd cram himself against the front of the cage and um play with himself. Of course this was supposed to be for our benefit, but was hard to explain to other children wanting to know what he was doing. YES, they can be completely and totally embarassing. Most people say that they like to hump hands and feet, but a horny boy chin will hump almost everything. I liken it to human men who are ready and willing at every single moment of every single day. Ha ha ha ha. You may just have become the lucky mom who has to keep a paper towel around at all times for those just in case moments. Ha ha ha ha ha. - Jessica
I've shared this story before but will shorten it for this retell. I used to have a chin who would completely ignore me when I came into the room. Not that unusual, except for the fact that ANY time anyone else came into the room, he'd cram himself against the front of the cage and um play with himself. Of course this was supposed to be for our benefit, but was hard to explain to other children wanting to know what he was doing. - Jessica

LOL that is so funny!! He's quite the little showman that you have there!