A few questions

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Apr 11, 2011
I read somewhere that it might be a good idea to put a light (normal kind, not heating lamp) in the room during the winter to stimulate (and fool) the hedgehog to thinking it's still summer to prevent it from hibernating or something. But it doesn't make sense to me because I thought hedgehogs are nocturnal and they would like the longer nights. Can someone explain this to me?

Also, the suggestion got me thinking the following: do I need to leave a night light on during the night for my hedgie? Or will he be happier in the dark?

Next, when I was transporting Pip home from where I bought him, I believe he puked (because it did not look like urine or feces). It was a 1 hour drive and he was in a tub with a shirt, but ... maybe he got motion sickness or was so stressed out form the move? Will he be okay though? Is it what I though? (stress, car ride, etc.)
During winter and dark days the rest of the year, there needs to be a light on to simulate 12-14 hour days. Usually 7ish am to 9ish pm works well but an hour either way makes no difference. With short winter days, they need to have adequate light during the day.

They must have darkness at night.

Yes, they can get car sick. Some babies grow out of it and are fine as adults, other continue to be car sick all their lives.
Okay, thanks for the info. :)
I guess Pip is like his mummy: I get car sick, especially on heavy traffic.
Some also will get sick within the first few minutes of their travel and then are fine for hours of travel afterwards. I had one who would vomit within 15 minutes of travel, but was fine for hours of travel afterward. Travelling to the vet was always interesting as she would vomit on the way there, and once the way home, but was otherwise unphased the rest of the time.