A Cute Shot of Tika

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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lol, i know! she is such a character, so much spunk and personality, i need to get some more pictures of her up.
omg, I would have poked her for fear she was dead! I don't have ANY side sleepers, and I'm thrilled for that. Well, they might sleep on their sides in their houses, but not out where I can see them. My heart stops every time I see someone's pic of a chin on its side!

But anyway, apologize for my digression, cute shot :)
ya... at first i was a little worried, but i could still see the rise and fall of her chest, and she has just a sec before been running around. She never stays long on her side, just sort of a "i am pooped... no point in staying on my feet"
Too funny. I too would have poked her to see if she was still alive! She looks really relaxed though.
Aww! How cute! My horse did the same thing once...except she was outside running around and then plopped down to take a nap. So funny.