A bird flew into my window and is still alive!

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A bird flew into our iwndow a few hours ago and I went outside to water the garden and it's still alive! It's a robin, and I'm pretty sure it's the one that has babys in our back yard. She is still movig her feathers and I'm pretty sure her neck is broken.... is there anything I can do to help this baby through her last few hours in life? I know her chances are slim to none, but I wanna try If I could save her or atleast make her comfortable that would be great. Any advice is apprecaited!

P.S. The only e-vet here is only taking in animals that they have seen
Good news! We just went outside with a towel to pick him up and he lifted his head! His foot is broken though :( I read that we are supposed to put him in a dark box so we did, don't worry we didn't tocuh him. Maybe he can surrvive :)
Google search your area for a wildlife rehabilitator. They should be able to take the robin and try to nurture it back to health.
I sure hope he is ok. I've had several birds hit my windows and I've held them gently in my gloved hands until they came around again and were able to fly off. I've not had one that was injured before. Hopefully this robin doesn't have a family waiting for him/her...Let us know how this robin does!
I googled wildlife rehabs and the only one is 4 hours away :(
Try calling any local vets and asking if they know of anyone in the area that is a rehabber, they might know of someone/place not listed or try your county's animal control for a reference.
Sadly, the bird died early this moring. I'm pretty sure within an hour of putting him in the box.