A Bad but Lucky Day for Sophie

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Creative Genius
Jan 28, 2009
This afternoon I got a call from the president of our rescue. Animal Control had a young chinchilla that came in with a broken leg. Could we take her or she would be PTS? Of course I said yes, I'd take her.

Sophie had a wire shelf accident that resulted in a compound fracture in her left tibia that was protruding out of her skin. Her owners couldn't afford vet care so they took her to Animal Control to have her PTS. Fortunately for Sophie, it was a rare slow day in the vet unit and the vet tech on duty used to have chins. She convinced the vet that Sophie didn't need to be PTS and that he should perform an amputation. I was able to pick Sophie up late this afternoon. She is doing well and I have her settled in. She's had a few good poops and has chewed on a few apple wood sticks that Auntie Chinchewy sent for the chins.

Without further adieu, I give you Sophie. She's a bit drugged out in the first photo, they'd given her a shot of pain meds just before I put her in the carrier.


Hello there.
Aww she sure is a pretty chinnie. Glad she wasn't PTS cuz I know my day is a bit happier seeing her extreme close-up :hehe:

Would she be considered one of the silvers of the white family?
Hello Sophie! If you need any 3 legged pointers, I'm sure Kiwi would be happy to help :heart3:
Hello Sophie! I'm so happy your bad luck day turned into such a good luck day for you as well! Thanks Meanie for your loving kindness!
So glad that Sophie has some great people looking out for her, she is a cutie. I hope she has a super speedy recovery!
What a sweet baby! If you wouldn't have said anything about her on pain meds in the first pic, I wouldn't have know (mine tend to always blink during pics!) She is so lucky to have come to you for the care and rehab she needs!!! Kudos to you! :)
Meanie, you are a lifesaver, literally. Wishing Sophie a speedy recovery. She is such a cutie.
Lucky little Sophie!! It amazes me how absolutely cruel some humans can be <<shakes head in disbelief>> I'm glad the vet tech cared enough to keep this little girl alive! And kudos to you for taking her home...I'm sure she'll have a much better life with you!
Aww, Sophie is beautiful! She was so lucky to cross paths with you. Thank you for giving her the home she deserves!

By the way, she is really cute!!! :)