6 year old and 6 month old male cage mates?

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Feb 10, 2014
Is it okay to pair a 6 year old male chin and a 6 month old male chin together? We've had the 6 month old for 2 months and we were just given the 6 year old. Will the age difference be a problem?
Age doesn't make that big of a difference in chins. Their personalities is what will either work or not. Slower is better. Do a quick search. There are a lot of good threads on how to introduce a new chin.
Like Dreamlite said age doesn't matter. Just make sure when you do introduce them together eveything is neutral, otherwise they can fight.
i have an adult chin of unknown age, but several years old. He is caged with a male that was about 8 weeks old. ... of course they were father/son tho'