3 day old kit in sticky adhesive

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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hello, this is my chinchilla, I have cleaned it with vegetable oil and then dawn soap, making sure that it was very dry, it appears to have worked, now i will wait to see what happens, thank you all for your advice it helped a lot.
I have no clue on how to remove it. I wish they would banned the sticky papers. One of my jobs used those for mice and it was disgusting to see a mouse stuck on it.
I'm not sure what is great at removing sticky without being a risk for an animal, especially such a young one. Hopefully she has a good chin vet that can help her figure out what to do. Maybe shaving the chin instead of trying to cut it out. I can't imagine holding a pair of scissors up to a wiggly chin...
I have also used vegetable oil to remove sticky stuff on an animal. It worked great. To get the oil off I would then use dish soap. You honestly don't need a ton of oil though, so you won't have to bathe the whole kit, just put a little oil on the area of the stickiness. Massage until the sticky stuff is dissolved and then add a bit of warm water and dish soap to the area. Lather and rinse. You may have to do the soap and water a few times to get all of the oil off.
goo gone is labeled combustible, and "avoid prolonged contact with skin" right on the bottle. That was my first thought too, but the baby oil/ vegetable oil then dawn sounds much safer to me.

I second the two oil options. I had gum that litteraly melted in my hair last month and Veggie Oil + 20 minutes took it all out no problems. :thumbsup:
Peggy, do you know if this person is a breeder or if she lives near anyone on this forum that can help her with the kit? Does she say what state she lives in?
hello, this is my chinchilla, I have cleaned it with vegetable oil and then dawn soap, making sure that it was very dry, it appears to have worked, now i will wait to see what happens, thank you all for your advice it helped a lot.

Glad to hear you think you've gotten it out. (and welcome to the forum!)
Welcome Adrian! I'm glad the advice here was of help to you. Please feel free to stick around and let us know how your little one does, ask questions, and share pictures. :)
Welcome Adrian! I'm so glad you were able to take care of the poor little baby! Please, stay. This is a great forum with lots of information, and as Tunes mentioned, We Love Pics! :D
I'm so glad you were able to get the sticky stuff off baby! Welcome to CnH! Keep us posted on how the baby is doing!
Yeah, no more sticky stuff! What an ordeal for the little guy! I'm just glad you could help him...what kids will get themselves into!!!
Adrian, Welcome! I am glad to hear that you got it taken care of. Keep a close eye on that little one for any signs of illness and post some pictures, pleeeeease.
Yes i have taken picture and am planning to upload some up here as soon as i find out how to do it. The baby is perfect now, its fur is nice and fluffy again, Thank you all again for the help and the welcome :)
I'm so glad to hear he's doing well! I'm very much looking forward to pictures. :)
Oh, he is a total sweetheart!!! I think his name should be Trouble! I'm so glad he found his way out of trouble this time and hopefully no more surprises for you!
Well he looks like he's come through this fine! Good for him. :)