2015 California ECBC Sanctioned Show - Jan 24-25, 2015

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Chinchilla Chateau
Jan 29, 2009
Northern California
2015 CA Group ECBC Sanctioned Show
January 24-25, 2015

Ventura Harbor at the Sheraton 4 Points
1050 Schooner Dr.
Ventura, CA 93001

Judges: Rich Ryerson and Maxine Lynch
Trainee: Tiffany Whitlow

Show chair: Cara Beasley

*Multiple ribbon*
*Registry show*
*Combined pelt show*
*Standard live animal show*
*Mutation live animal show*

We hope to see you there!
You can register animals in the Empress Quality Assurance Program that take 1st place or better. They get an ear tag in their left ear and a certificate.
I will be taking pre-orders for Blue cloud dust 50# bags for $25.00 ea, blue cloud rocks $4.50 per pound (4 - 6 pcs in a pound), water shields for $7.00 ea (includes bolt, washer, & nut). I will be there Saturday only.
It is less than three weeks away from the California state show and we still need some sponsors! We have a couple of options for helping out. First and foremost...if you are a vendor, please consider donating something to our show's raffle table! It is free publicity for your business (just attach a business card to the item before you send it! If you don't have business cards, we will tag the item with who/business donated the item) and it could make a chin owner very happy. If you are willing to donate an item, but you're worried about the cost of shipping to CA, please let me know and we will work out something to get the item here.

We need a few more trophy sponsors (you will be mentioned in our show book for the sponsorship) and each trophy is $30 to sponsor. We also can place an advertisement for you in our show book. Vendors that have placed advertisements in the show book in the past have told me that they had an increase in business the month following the show from people who stopped in and saw the ads. The Show Book ads are full page for $20, 1/2 page for $15, 1/4 page for $10, in color of course!
Do you have to be a chinchilla breeder to attend this? I have a chinchilla but am not a breeder but I might want to check it out.
Vamochin, all are welcome. I'm "only" a pet owner, but I belong to both Empress and MCBA and I have attended shows in many states. Chin folk are the best!!! You will enjoy meeting others, seeing some beautiful animals and winning some awesome door prizes if you choose to purchase tickets for the drawings!!! I hope you and other chin lovers come!!!
Here are the California ECBC Show results! I apologize for the delay!

California Group ECBC Sanctioned Show
January 24-25, 2015
Judges: Richard Ryerson, Maxine Lynch
Trainee: Tiffany Whitlow

*Dressed Pelt Show - January 24, 2015*

Best Pelt of Show - Maynard Beitz - standard #308
2nd Best Pelt of Show - Maynard Beitz - standard #310

White Pelt CC - John Suhr - #302
White Pelt RCC - John Suhr - #301

Beige Pelt CC - Dark Star - #333

Black Pelt CC - Dark Star - #340
Black Pelt RCC - Maynard Beitz - #314

Standard Pelt CC - Maynard Beitz - #308
Standard Pelt RCC - Maynard Beitz - #310

1st High Point Pelt Award - Maynard Beitz - 62 points - 9 entries
2nd High Point Pelt Award - Dark Star - 45 points - 8 entries
3rd High Point Pelt Award - John Suhr - 43 points - 8 entries

*Mutation Show - January 24, 2015*

Grand Show Champion Mutation - Ryan Chinn - ebony - C72C D11
Reserve Grand Show Champion Mutation - Diamond Blue - black - B/B D211

White CC - Chinchilla Chateau - CCHT D42
no white RCC

Sapphire CC - Diamond Blue - B/B C190
Sapphire RCC - Diamond Blue - B/B D3

Violet CC - Diamond Blue - B/B C191
Violet RCC - Diamond Blue - B/B D66

Beige CC - Chinchilla Chateau - CCHT D13
Beige RCC - Chinchilla Chateau - CCHT D53

Ebony CC - Ryan Chinn - C72C D11
Ebony RCC - Ryan Chinn - C72C D16

Black CC - Diamond Blue - B/B D211
Black RCC - Dark Star - STAR D378

1st Mutation Breed Award - Diamond Blue - 114 points - 20 entries
2nd Mutation Breeder Award - Ryan Chinn - 76 points - 13 entries
3rd Mutation Breeder Award - Dark Star - 63 points - 11 entries
4th Mutation Breeder Award - Chinchilla Chateau - 58 points - 11 entries

*Standard 9-class Show - January 25, 2015*

Grand Show Champion - Diamond Blue - B/B D40
Reserve Grand Show Champion - Dark Star - STAR D433

Class 1 CC - Dark Star - STAR D440
Class 1 RCC - Chinchilla Chateau - CCHT D24

Class 2 CC - Dark Star - STAR D373
Class 2 RCC - Diamond Blue - B/B D43

Class 3 CC - Chinchilla Chateau - CCHT D2
Class 3 RCC - Dark Star - STAR D422

Class 4 CC - Diamond Blue - B/B D40
Class 4 RCC - Dark Star - STAR D432

Class 5 CC - Dark Star - D433
Class 5 RCC - Diamond Blue - B/B D2

Class 6 CC - Dark Star - STAR D429
Class 6 RCC - Diamond Blue - B/B D22

Class 7 CC - no CC
Class 7 RCC - no RCC

Class 8 CC - Diamond Blue - B/B D35
Class 8 RCC - no RCC

Class 9 CC - Dark Star - STAR D326
Class 9 RCC - Diamond Blue - B/B D21

1st Standard Breeder Award - Dark Star - 122 points - 20 entries
2nd Standard Breeder Award - Diamond Blue - 116 points - 20 entries
3rd Standard Breeder Award - Chinchilla Chateau - 93 points - 20 entries
4th Standard Breeder Award - Chinchillas QED - 37 points - 12 entries

1st Junior Breeder Award - Ryan Chinn - 35 points
2nd Junior Breeder Award - Narcissus - 25 points
3rd Junior Breeder Award - Jinn and Ryan - 24 points