2013 ECBC Nationals date/location???

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Lynn & The Chins

The Chinchilla WhisKerer
Jan 29, 2009
Denver, CO
Do we know yet when and where Nationals will be held next year???

It's never too soon to start searching for airfares!!!
As of the MCBA Shindig, they hadn't decided for sure. They were looking at late February.
The MCBA nationals date is set. Becky was saying at the shindig meeting it was brought up and ECBC show date was not set yet. I can see how you were confused. So I hope that helps, although your question still remains unanswered. :/
We just had the ECBC national meeting. It looks like this show is set for March 1, 2, and 3rd in Denver, CO. More details later!
Awwww, c'mon girls -- maybe you could carpool like the Cali Girls have always had to??? Don't say no, just yet...things might change... :)
It's a 20 hour drive for me - just seems like a lot to put the chins through and then having to cage them for the full weekend on top of that! Not saying definitely no yet but will have to put a lot of thought into it first.
I have made the trip to Denver for a state show there several years ago. Not saying I wont again but I have very limited vacation time with the new job and that would be a five day trip.
Everyone definitely try to make it to this one. I think it has the potential to be great and really fun. Even if you don't bring animals to show, we will have fun.
I have made the trip to Denver for a state show there several years ago. Not saying I wont again but I have very limited vacation time with the new job and that would be a five day trip.

I agree Randy. Would need to take Thursday and Friday off to get there in time to register the animals Friday night and since the show goes thru Sunday wouldn't be able to leave until after the show on Sunday at the earliest but more than likely Monday so also Monday and Tuesday...maybe Wednesday to recoup??? Working for a school system they really frown on us taking days off during the school year. :(

I know that others have had to do it before, I am ust speaking for myself.
I'm in the same boat. It's 21 hours each way and would be a six day trip for me solo, two days of solid driving each way then the full weekend. Just too much time to take off.

However if anyone down here wants to carpool let me know. Two people switching off can drive a lot further than one. :))
:( 26 hours one way here.. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to make it to Empress Nationals unless I fly out with no animals.. I just don't have anyone to carpool with and hubby doesn't drive. So disappointing.
I personally feel like they should open up a vote to members who actually show animals. I think an awesome alternative would be to rotate Nationals to a different region each year that way we would all be able to show every two or three years at least.
No carpooling for us either. Wendy already said she can't get off work Fri and Mon and Hubbs wouldn't let me drive the 12 hours to OK City a few years ago, he'll never let me drive 15 to Denver. :(
I've had trouble getting people to cover the shop for me, too, so have to plan my days pretty carefully.
I personally feel like they should open up a vote to members who actually show animals. I think an awesome alternative would be to rotate Nationals to a different region each year that way we would all be able to show every two or three years at least.

Juanita, just FYI, the board members of the ECBC, all of whom show animals, are the people who make the decision. If you think that I'm the reason that it's being held in Denver, well, I'm flattered, but as a Progressive Member, I have NO voting privileges.

Obviously, I'm thrilled that I won't have to travel this year, but for the last three years, I have paid to fly to St. Louis and Kansas City to show my support and I don't even show animals. Many more people end up driving long distances to the Midwest with animals and they do just fine. Somavia travelled extensively for years and look what he accomplished!!!

I believe that Denver was chosen because it is fairly centrally located, it is an International Airport, and we DO Have exhibitors that come from other countries outside the U.S. to participate.

Hope to see you soon...