2010 Empress National Show - March 5, 6, 7 - Oklahoma City

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Kansas City Chinchillas

Jan 29, 2009
Kansas City Missouri

March 5th, 6th, & 7th, 2010

57th ECBC Standard Live Animal Show
46th Mutation Live Animal Show
5th Combined ECBC International Dressed Pelt Show

LaQuinta Inn
800 South Meridian
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 405 942-0040

Reservation Code: ECBC Chinchilla
Room Rate: $64.80 plus tax (This block of rooms with this rate will be held until February 12, 2010. Book early to avoid disappointment.)
Airport shuttle service to the hotel is available from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

JUDGES: Jim Ritterspach - Ohio
````````Dick Bradford - Arkansas
````````Joe Brown – Oklahoma

Show Chairman: Bill Hatfield (918) 527-5630

Registration Chairperson: Mona Hatfield (918) 527-5630 [email protected]


Friday, March 5th, 2010

Registration of animals and pelts….5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Deadline for turning in all registration paperwork is 10:30 p.m.
All entries must be caged or on pelt boards by 10:30 p.m. In the event of a delayed flight or emergency, notification must be made to the registration chairman BEFORE 10:30 p.m. in order to obtain an extension of this deadline.

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

Grooming………………………………………………………5 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
Combined Pelt Show………………………………………9 a.m. SHARP!
Lunch……………………………………………………………Time to be announced. Lunch of sandwiches, chips, drinks, side dishes, and desserts will be provided on site for $5 per person to allow ranchers to socialize and to keep the show on schedule. OR you may lunch on your own.

Standard Live Animal Show...Immediately after Pelt Show

Social Hour………………………………………6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Beer and wine will be provided. Mixed drinks may be purchased at the LaQuinta bar.

Banquet…………………………………………7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Wear your fanciest ball gown or your jeans and cowboy boots. Whatever makes you feel good. Dinner will be catered by Rib Crib and will include sliced brisket, boneless chicken, pulled pork, ranch-style beans, potato salad, and peach cobbler.

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Grooming………………………………………………5 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
Mutation Live Animal Show……………………9 a.m. SHARP!
Lunch…………………………………………………Time to be announced. Same as Saturday.

Mutation Show Awards Presentation…Immediately after the show



The 2010 Empress National Show will once again feature the Ultimate Live Animal Raffle.
Keep watching to learn which of our generous breeders will be donating animals for this raffle.
Tickets will be 1 for $5 or 5 for $20.
Winners are reminded that they are responsible for arranging transportation for these animals.


Show entry fee: $6.50 per animal or pelt
Admission fee: $6.50 for all other animals

All animals must remain caged and in the exhibition hall at all times. Policy does not allow animals anywhere except the exhibition hall.


Those wishing to place animals in the Silent Auction (including judges), must complete a separate entry form for those animals. Silent auction
animals will not be judged in the show. They will be placed on a separate table for sale. Entry fee for Silent Auction animals will be $6 per animal. If sold, 10% of the sale price will be retained by the Oklahoma Branch. All animals will be paid for and claimed through the auction chairman.


Vendor's tables are available for commercial items (NO ANIMALS) for $12.00 per 8 ft. table. Contact the Registration Chairman for details.
You have to go. Who will I get in trouble with? Start whining right away. Brent will get so sick of it he will say go.:please:
Be sure to wait till Marshall is in a good mood Kristy! Brenda, just butter Brent up. I'm sure you can think of something ;). We would like both of you to attend. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
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I'm debating on coming down for a day, but it will depend on how my classes and checking account are doing!
well I mentioned it because he is in a better mood. He will think about it...sounding like a leaning toward yes....
Glad to help Brenda. I can whine with the best.
I would LOVE to attend again this year, but this one is not looking good for me. Flying down to watch would be the only realistic way, time wise, and that doesn't seem to be in the budget...<sigh>
I'm like 80% sure I'm going!!! Gonna be a long haul but I've wanted to go for years! Just gotta get a shift at work covered and make sure I'm not missing any exams and I'll be golden!
I'll start with the home phone and if that doesn't work we'll go to the cell phone Brenda.
Jim thinks I should go after doing as well as I did yesterday at the Jenera show. Its a long way to go and I am not sure I can afford it right now with no job.
Sure would like to see you there Randy. Has anyone posted results on the Jenera show?

Okay Wendy, who do I need to whine to for you to come. :impatient:
Laura and Vicki - Brent will be home around 6:30 tonight. Or you can call him at the store. He may be bored today... hint hint. :D hehehe
One of the shop owners near me has family in OK City and said he'd carpool with me. I didn't get much reaction from Brent when I mentioned it, though. sigh....