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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
New Jersey
In the past I've had issues with my 2 brothers fighting.. I've heard that if you get a dog neutered it sometimes calms them down. Would neutering a chinchilla help stop them from fighting over a female?

Secondly my female sprayed my husband and I for the first time like 2 days ago.. and she did it again to me tonight! Does spraying turn into a habit? I sure do hope not.
Neutering doesnt affect behavior too much (if at all) from what ive read
I believe spraying is a defensive action so maybe she is stressed or scared
Likely she is coming into heat and telling you not to breed her by spraying you. This in turn spurs the boys to fight. This is very common. In this case (hormones) neutering will only work if you take the entire testicle, even then they may still fight over her.