1st photo shoot-calendar!

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This weekend is supposed to be cool here and Micheals had a HUGE sale last weekend so I have some new costumes and props so I think the second photo shoot should happen!
Ok, Dawn...I saw your post like five minutes ago! Where are the pictures??? <taps foot> :neener:
you're pics always crack me up. i can't believe you get them to do all of that!

i'd also like to request maybe a prohibition era theme for your next shoot. i bet a chin could pull of a cloche hat, long dress and pearls.
D.J. kinda has that going on in this pic with his fur stole and long dress and feather hat!

Dawn, you sure are talented! I can't even get a good pic of my chin doing chin things, let alone ever getting her to pose - dressed or undressed! I always love seeing your pics!!!