Well, Spyro is just a very laid back chin so he was my 'guinea pig' for the light box because I know he would just sit there for the most part.
BamBam was skittish at first until he realized it wasn't so bad.. Domo was similiar until I gave him some treats and he finally relaxed.
Kiwi on the other hand was a nut. She just kept darting to the opening every other second so I just kept talking to her and reassuring her it was ok. I gave her treats or wood and she grabbed them like she was interested (which she usually is.. shes a little pig!) and then as soon as she thought she tricked me, she would again make a run to the opening.. thats why all the pictures of her aren't the greatest poses because she only sat still for a few seconds at at time after about 15 minutes of trying to get out. lol. I just had to snap pictures as I was trying to scratch her to stay still. You can tell her fur is a little all over the place
My light box was simply just a decent sized cardboard box. I had the opening to the box facing me and taped white printer paper to both right and left sides and then put a piece of left over terry cloth from my fleece liners in there. I actually pinned the terry cloth on the actual bottom of the box so it hung in the back and then let it down on the bottom where they sit. little hard to explain.. I can get a picture of the actual box when I get home if your interested.