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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. F

    Am I doing it wrong?

    No, it happens randomly all the time every day
  2. F

    Am I doing it wrong?

    I've had my chinchill afor almost a year now (will be in august) but she still dose not let me pick her up. She's letting me pet her more now than before, but not much. Whenever I put my hand in the cage she either tries to escape, bite me, or bite my clothing/jewlery. What am I doing wrong? I...
  3. F


    the playpen is- 18" W x 29" H 43" diameter
  4. F


    I recently bought a playpen for my chin, thinking i could use it as a safe play and exercise area. I put in her house, some treats and some food, and let her explore. For a few minutes it was fine and she was running around, but I had forgotten an important fact about chinchillas: how high they...
  5. F

    houses and travel

    thanks! i bought a new bigger house but i have one more question. I feel like the bar spacing is a little big on the bottom of the cage. is there something I can put on it to make it safer? I have a cage with the slide out pan so i can't cover it completeley
  6. F

    houses and travel

    well I have some old wooden houses that my old gerbils used to use, is there anyway to clean the houses so thay are safe for a chinchilla? also, when i go on vacation would it be okay to bring the chinchilla to a friends house or would this be stressful?