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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. T

    Hedgie Help!

    Also he seems to not be bonding with me very well =/ He'll bite me and won't sit still at all to let me pet him. I always wash my hands before handling him like the breeders had said but he still does it. I'm open to any ideas!
  2. T

    Do hedgies smell bad?

    Hedgies don't have a "smelly" odor themselves, they do have a distinct smell to them but it isn't very noticeable. As for their cage you do have to keep fairly clean otherwise you will get that "smelly" odor that you talk about
  3. T

    Hedgie Help!

    I am a first time hedgie owner I just got my hog almost a week ago, he is 3 months old When we first got him he was always running around his cage and on his wheel, that boy barely stopped! But he was also escaping his cage a lot so we made the walls of it taller (its a C&C cage) Now he sleeps...