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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Nancy

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Oh no. Not what I wanted to read. Sending continued prayers for him.
  2. Nancy

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Gad, poor little Tex. He just can't catch a break. An ear infection often throws them off their food too because it hurts to crunch. Also shaking their head, tilting their head, twitching their ear as Julie mentioned, and Roll dug his ear bloody. I don't know if you remember when our...
  3. Nancy

    suspicious of WHS???

    Was he having any difficulty walking, or shakiness, or random tipping over during the time you say he was slowing down? WHS typically doesn't come on to the point of not being able to walk at all without some sort of previous mobility issues. Usually it starts with almost imperceptible...
  4. Nancy

    red rash- spreading fast

    Was the Carefresh he was on from a new bag by any chance? It's odd because the other hedgie was on Carefresh too. Probably coincidence but who knows. Are the bags of food new? What about laundry detergent or anything new right before this started? Poor little guy.
  5. Nancy

    red rash- spreading fast

    Could it be ringworm? I have no experience at all with it but pictures I've seen look fairly similar. Otherwise I have no idea but did the vet do a skin scraping? There is a similar issue going on on HHC right now with an albino female. Are these two hedgehogs related by chance...
  6. Nancy

    Babies :)

    No pictures yet. Taking pictures too soon risks stressing moms and puts the babies at risk.
  7. Nancy

    hedgehog diaper

    So cute, and so is she. :)
  8. Nancy

    Is a charcoal suspension safe to give?

    Poor Toes. I hope she is back to normal today. The second vet sounds like a good one and yay for him waving the fee. It wasn't your fault that she had to go back and the other vet should have known better than to give ivermectin. I really wish vets would do some research and learn that...
  9. Nancy

    Due Dates :)

    Most of mine came around 37 days and up to 40 with a few going over. Usually they get restless when starting labour and will pace, walk in circles or try and reach up the sides of the cage. Sometimes they will pace, then splat on the bottom of the cage, then pace again. Good luck. :)
  10. Nancy


    Not another one! I am so sorry April. He was beautiful. Hugs
  11. Nancy

    heating advice

    I understand your concern about the heater being on when not at home but every hedgehog owner goes through the same concerns. When buying a heater, make sure you but a good name brand one. Don't use your grandmas old heater or get one at a yard sale. With use heater wiring becomes brittle...
  12. Nancy

    Po, 2007 (?) - December 29, 2011

    I am so sorry April. It's horrible to have two in a row leave. Another beautiful boy who landed in a wonderful home. Hugs
  13. Nancy

    Hufflelump, May 2006 - December 30, 2011

    I'm so sorry April. He was a beautiful boy and so lucky to have made his way to you. Hugs
  14. Nancy


    Your fingers maybe smell like something interesting. Don't allow him to nibble. Move your fingers away from his moth. Often nibbling is followed by a bite and it's much easier to prevent biting behaviour than it is to stop it once they start. :)
  15. Nancy

    Is my new hedgehog pregnant?

    Get her cage prepared for babies and assume she is pregnant. You can still handle her, but be very careful touching her tummy area. The teats enlarge when they are near to delivery. What type of cage and bedding are you using?
  16. Nancy

    Dental Polishing/Sealant?

    Yay! I'm sure her mouth will feel much better now. Glad she came through it so well. :)
  17. Nancy

    Meet Digby!

    Digby is adorable. :)
  18. Nancy

    ingrown quill?

    I feel for ya Tex. I'z never had anything like that but my mommy seems to think my feet are never clean enough. I'll stomp with you. STOMP STOMP STOMP Do u member me n Waylon. We'ze was on the big long drive with you. Your friend Willie.
  19. Nancy

    Prayers needed for a Christmas Miracle

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  20. Nancy

    Is this normal?

    If his belly is cold, he needs a warmer environment. Scratching could be from dry skin which is more prevalent in the winter months. Fleas you can see, mites you can't see. Is he loosing quills?