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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Brittany

    very skinny chin

    This chin needs to see a vet. Several things could be causing these issues, none of them are something that a pet owner should self-diagnose and treat without the guidance of a vet.
  2. Brittany

    Hi from Arkansas

    Welcome! Can't wait to see pictures!
  3. Brittany

    New chin, possibly chins.

    CONGRATS!!! Do you have 2 separate cages incase they don't get along? Can't wait to see pictures!
  4. Brittany

    Need to sell Beige TOV but don't know what price

    Exactly. As a pet owner I would personally never pay more than $150 for a single chinchilla, regardless of color or fur quality. And to pay more than $50-$75 I would really have to want that specific mutation and animal.
  5. Brittany

    New addition!

    So adorable! Congrats!
  6. Brittany

    dumbest thing your chin has ever done

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Moose's brother Bailey isn't clumsy, but he frequently makes suicide jumps out of the cage. Luckily I caught him in midair every time when he was on top of the FN. After about 3 jumps in a row I moved him to the bottom level. Also unlike Moose, Bailey wont sit still when he lands...
  7. Brittany

    Opinions on weaning off Beaphar?

    UPDATE: Just thought I'd let you know how everything is going. Thank you again for all the help and advice. We've been working on this for a month now. Poop is slightly smaller, but consistent and still within the realm of what I would consider to be healthy. No issues with bloat so far...
  8. Brittany

    Jasper ate a cucumber

    No, chins should not have cucumber or any fresh veggies. I wouldn't be concerned with the amount your chin ate as a one time thing. Like Dawn said, maybe some abnormal poop for a bit. In general chins can't process the sugars in fresh fruits and veggies, so they are not safe treats, and can...
  9. Brittany

    HIDE&SEEK, PEEK-A-BOO AND TAG! (picture heavy)

    Whoa! Look at all that fun!! Very cool playground, the chins look like they're having a blast!
  10. Brittany

    Uhoh some babies are here

    One of our forum members made a video on handfeeding kits. It may help you get a visual on what Tunes is talking about. You can see that the kit isn't latching on, and suckling, the nipple. The person is very carefully dispensing one...
  11. Brittany

    Finger bitten =[

    I literally had the exact same thing happen to Latte when she was a kit. My other chin was out playing, and bit her toe off through the cage bars. I applied blue kote and it still got infected after a day or two. I got a cleaning solution from my vet, it was called novasal or novasand? Something...
  12. Brittany

    double toobin'

    They are so cute! I'm sensing a calender picture? So glad they're getting along!
  13. Brittany

    Castration Question

    I just want to add one more thing for you to consider. As mentioned, there is always a risk of complications with surgery. If you do decide to get him castrated PLEASE pick up a bag of Critical Care (syringe feed) and feeding syringes prior to having the surgery done. I don't know how many times...
  14. Brittany

    Granite house

    Interesting idea. I don't know your setup, but I wouldn't trust the house to do the job alone. It's not going to be a good replacement for air conditioning (hoping you have an AC unit) You won't be able to monitor the temperature of the stones 24/7. The overall room still needs to be kept at a...
  15. Brittany

    Waiting for a chin.

    I think it is excellent that you're doing research and saving up for your chin. Chinchillas can get sick and need vet care, which can cost $100's of dollars at a time. Have you talked to your dad about helping to pay for this if an emergency comes up?
  16. Brittany

    ButtonWillow Turns 2!

    Happy Birthday Beautiful Button! I love how she sleeps in the middle of the floor. Too adorable!
  17. Brittany

    my chin died last week...

    I'm sorry for your loss. I was home last year when my AC went out, but that's my biggest fear, not being home if it were to go out again :-(
  18. Brittany

    A Chintastic Birthday

    Happy Birthday pretty boy! Looks like you scored some awesome goodies!
  19. Brittany

    4 Classy 'Chillas

    I don't know what you're talking about Mom. I would NEVER dig up my liner (even though it's girly and pink). An evil tricksy chin must have snuck in my cage when I was sleeping. I swear I was framed! Checking out my sun roof :-) Bailey with some adorable sleepy ears Bailey with demon...
  20. Brittany

    4 Classy 'Chillas

    My pretty Lady girl. Eating hay like a good girl. Latte thinks she's getting a treat Sulking in the corner because there was no treat, just scritches