^^ This is when I see my guys do it. If I have petted them at a time or in a way that they deem unfit, they give a good shake or else wipe the cooties off with a paw :P
Cute chins :)
I would read the new owner threads that have already been posted as they answer a lot of your questions. This website also answers your questions and provides a ton of other useful information for new chin owners: http://owningchinchillas.webs.com/
3 different kinds of tests are available to test for pasteurellosis, which can lay dormant in rabbits or actively present. For more information check out this link: http://www.celebratingrabbits.com/stories/pasteurella.html
Unfortunately there haven't been any shows in Canada for quite a while :( If you wanted to enter your chin in a show your best bet is to go south of the border
Treats are generally discouraged for similar reasons: you want your little baby to be filling up one the most nutritious things possible so that it will grow big and strong! Treats are unnecessary calories that a chin will eat in preference to its healthy hay and pellets, which is why they are...
My boys are over a year old and when they get really excited they give each other a little hump. No signs of aggression, just...lovin', playing, and a bit of dominance. Keep in mind though that even bonded chins can decide one day that they no longer want to be friends anymore
Cuteness! I have one chin that sleeps like he's dead 100% of the time. He also has the slowest reaction speed ever when he's having a good snooze. And if you try to wake him up/poke him, he'll just give you the sleepiest, dirtiest look ever lol