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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Idgie

    Chin anatomy?

    I have only had female chins, so I don't know about the whole hair ring thing. Just wondered if he is bothered or just leaning down to eat his poop.
  2. Idgie

    Question about Timothy Hay

    Idgie does the same thing, too. And she won't eat the hay that she doesn't want to eat and has thrown aside. I give her fresh hay daily. Since she does waste so much, I ended up buying a bale of hay from a farmer once a year. For the price of one bag of hay at the petstore, I have more than...
  3. Idgie

    curious how many chin owners in the midwest

    I am in Illinois--Chicagoland area
  4. Idgie

    Chinchilla eye problem

    Glad to hear. Wonder what that was about. I just worry when it is the eyes. My previous chin had problems with his eye, but it was really the teeth.
  5. Idgie

    Chinchilla eye problem

    Yes, a vet is in order. Not much that you can do.
  6. Idgie

    New bedding?

    I use an off-brand of Carefresh and I don't notice any odor. The aspen shavings are too pungent for me since Idgie lives in the main area of the house. But they are cheaper.
  7. Idgie

    Wood & Treats

    Just put in an order for a box of apple twigs. Thanks.
  8. Idgie

    Chinchilla is Barking/Chirping/Something

    Once in awhile Idgie will make the warning cry when she is sleeping. She'll usually stop on her own, but I naturally tell her that it's okay.
  9. Idgie

    Little Buddy?

    I got Idgie a buddy after I adopted her. Sometimes she sits on her buddy, but that's about it. She didn't want to share her cage, I guess. But I don't know that she ever has shared with another chin. I did have some little 2 inch pillows made for her so that she could have them in her...
  10. Idgie

    A BUNCH of questions.

    I have had females. My first sprayed only a couple times in her 13 years when someone tried to grab her. My current chin has never sprayed or even stood up to try. I rescued adult chins both times. Luckily, neither had major issues. Just had owners who couldn't care for them anymore. Lots...
  11. Idgie

    Wood & Treats

    Do you still have small flat rate box of apple twiglits (approx. 350-450) for $13 including shipping? If so, can I send a Paypal over? Thanks
  12. Idgie

    How often are shelved replaced?

    Idgie doesn't pee on her ledges nor does she chew them. Once in awhile, I may sand them a little to get any germs off the top, but I haven't replaced them in years. But if they were gross and chewed up, of course, I would get new ones.
  13. Idgie

    Question about type of wood.

    I just use poplar instead of pine. Nice clean boards and they are safe. I get it at Menards or Home Depot.
  14. Idgie

    Hate the smell of pine shavings....

    I use Carefresh or a generic brand of that. No odor. Love it (though it is a bit pricey).
  15. Idgie

    Do most of you adopt?

    I adopted Idgie from a petstore where a lady had dropped her off. It was a small store that had baby chins for sale and the owner gave me Idgie for free since she was about a year old and he wasn't going to be able to sell her. That was 5 years ago and she has been great.
  16. Idgie

    How much hay a day?

    Idgie eats about a handful a day, though I never limit her. I give her fresh hay every day, so there's no point to put too much in if you are throwing most of it away. After awhile, you'll get the hang of how much hay your chin will eat.
  17. Idgie

    oh dear, Bailey has a damp chest

    Agreed. I wouldn't put my chin through x-rays, etc. for only one time seeing a wet chest. Keep an eye on him.
  18. Idgie

    Is Alfalfa Based pellets worse then Timothy based pellets?

    Most of the pellets here in the US are alfalfa based and you would have to go out of your way to find something else. (Though they aren't all of equal quality.) Didn't even know that they made corn gluten ones.
  19. Idgie

    Dust bath House versus a plain ol' bowl

    I got a plastic rectangle container (the size of a shoe box) for about a buck or so and that is fine for me. I don't leave it in the cage for more than about 15 minutes, so Idgie doesn't chew it. It is about 4" deep, so some of the dust does fly out, but mostly just in her cage. And it has a...