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  1. Lauren14790

    I have a few questions about wood?

    Is pine safe if you bake it and boil it like you would with apple wood, I always thought it had to be klin dried but I saw something that said its fine if you just did that too, also I saw something saying pinecones weren't safe? I have given them to my chins before and prepared them like any...
  2. Lauren14790

    Is wood safe if it was sprayed with a pesticide like ten years ago?

    My grandma has an apple tree and a grape vine, but she doesn't know if they were sprayed with anything before she bought her house, I know that the rule of thumb is if you don't know then don't give it to your chins. But I was wondering if it would be safe if it was sprayed like over five years...
  3. Lauren14790

    New chinchilla, food question?

    She has her chew Ka-bob thing fulled with pine blocks and apple wood, but I got them some new chews and I wasn't sure if it would be okay to give her toys until she was eating normal, and I don't wanna give my other chin any of the toys til I know she can have them too, I gave her a piece of...
  4. Lauren14790

    New chinchilla, food question?

    Thanks, rbarlie92. Since I shouldn't give her treats til she's fully eating her new pellets and everything is good with that, so far she is eating about a tablespoon a day of them and she's picking at her hay, I figure by the end of next week she'll be eating normal, can I give her new chews...
  5. Lauren14790

    My chin is making these weird nosies?

    Yes she is in the same room as him, I couldn't keep her in a separate room without exposing her to my cats. But thanks, I really think that's all he is doing since other then that noise he is acting normal.
  6. Lauren14790

    Can chinchillas catch a cold?

    From what I've heard they can, so it's best to wash your hands before feeding and watering them, and try to breathe very little on them and near them, and you should wait about two or three days after your better before handling and playing with your chin!
  7. Lauren14790

    sunaturals feed?

    Honestly you would be best to stick to either Mauzri, Tradition, or Oxbow, Oxbow is pretty easy to find and the rest you can get from most breeders and suppliers, and they are so much fresher too!
  8. Lauren14790

    My chin is making these weird nosies?

    Thanks ChinnyMom, the sound kinda sounds like a cross between a mating and contact/communication sound but with sneezing maybe, and the hiccups, I can't tell if its sneezing or not but he stopped doing it for now, but now that I think about it he did start to do it on sunday when I got my second...
  9. Lauren14790

    My chin is making these weird nosies?

    He just started doing it after I gave a seagrass toy thing, he's never done this before and it kinda sounds like he's sneezing but trying to unclog his nose, should I be worried, could it be from the toy. He's eating, playing, drinking and acting normal, I also got another chin yesterday she's...
  10. Lauren14790

    Is fir wood safe?

    Thanks, Sandi, I'll definitely give them a nice good cleaning before giving them to my chins :)
  11. Lauren14790

    Is fir wood safe?

    I bought two manzantia perches today, and saw fir and couldn't find out if it was okay for chins or not, so is it? Thanks :)
  12. Lauren14790

    Are these safe toys?

    Thanks everyone, but does anyone know if the last one is safe for chins, the person I got my second chin from gave me a pack of those and I just wanna know if they're safe before giving to my chins.
  13. Lauren14790

    Are these safe toys?

    Thanks for your answer, I didn't even notice number five had rawhide in it, difenetly won't get that, I feed oxbow to my chins, I just remember having them for my guinea pigs and I had one in with my one chin but he never really seemed to pay much attention to it, but I figured maybe my other...
  14. Lauren14790

    Are these safe toys?

    I know ordering from chin safe sites is best but I can't order anything offline for a while, so are these safe:
  15. Lauren14790

    Blackberry wood?

    I heard it's safe, but if its wild is it still safe, also if it's safe how do you prepare it? Thanks :)
  16. Lauren14790

    New chinchilla, food question?

    Thanks, Sandi, I just took her old pellets out, hopefully she'll be fine! And I wont give her any treats till I notice a difference in her poos.
  17. Lauren14790

    New chinchilla, food question?

    Wont doing a cold switch mess up her digestion system or since the pellets she has now are crappy it wont effect her, she wont even touch her kaytee pellets she just eating the oxbow ones and leaving those...
  18. Lauren14790

    New chinchilla, food question?

    Thanks everyone, I started to switch her pellets today, it seems she didn't eat at all last night, but she already started picking the oxbow pellets out of her bowl over the kaytee one, also she seems to just not be eating the kaytee ones should I just do a cold switch since she wont eat the...
  19. Lauren14790

    Dry ears?

    I just got another chin sunday and her previous owner left the bath dust in there always, I give my other chin a bath about once or twice a week and I'm gonna wait till next week to give my new chin a bath, both their ears look dry, but only hers feel dry, where could I get vitamin E oil? I...
  20. Lauren14790

    Are these good treats? I know its from petco and the company isn't that great that sells them, but would they be okay if I took out all the fruit, seeds and any nuts? Thanks :)