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  1. Vyxxin

    All Living Things Multi-Level Small Animal Cage

    It does look like a FN/CN knock off :( and for the price, I too would get a FN or CN. While they may be hard to find locally...but there's always ebay, amazon & other online retailers...many of which offer sales from time to time
  2. Vyxxin


    You should be able to find a vendor in the classifieds section that carries both woods. I myself have willow right now, but do carry apple when it's available. However there ARE "regular" vendors that have many wood varieties in stock most of the time ;) check classifieds!
  3. Vyxxin

    Advice please!!!

    Alfalfa is okay every few days but NOT every day. Mix it up with the timothy, at the very least it'll help your hay go further and overall, be cheaper. Also, I second finding a farmer locally. If you don't live in the city that may be an awesome alternative. I agree with timothy or grass blend.
  4. Vyxxin

    Water bottle? The Nivek type should be leak proof...I prefer water bottles with this type valve.
  5. Vyxxin

    Serious problem with feet

    In early stages there doesn't have to be I don't believe though am not 100% positive on this myself :( There is no puss from what I understand.
  6. Vyxxin

    Where do you shop for bulk stuff?

    I too do "one stop shopping" at TSC. I get the MannaPro (in 50lbs), Standlee (sometimes compressed bales, sometimes 40lbs of cubes) and I get the fine shavings...
  7. Vyxxin

    UGH Bed Bugs!

    Bed bugs terrify the crap out of me :( I mean, they are taking hold in more and more places in the US...and while I live in the country, I'm sure they'll eventually branch out to the rural areas at some point. If you get a chance to update this, let us know your results! You never know who it...
  8. Vyxxin

    kit prolapse - paws crossed everyone!

    So sorry for your loss, prolapse as mentioned is very easy to have happen and very hard to repair :( I rarely see good outcomes.
  9. Vyxxin

    Serious problem with feet

    Anybody? Send out some thoughts?
  10. Vyxxin

    Serious problem with feet

    And here is a photo for comparison. First, I know the pics aren't great quality...they're all we have. Second, if you can't see the pics, click on the wording where the pic SHOULD be and it seems to work...
  11. Vyxxin

    Serious problem with feet

    And here are pictures sent today after several weeks, owner feels that his condition is worsening...
  12. Vyxxin

    Serious problem with feet

    Okay so here are the pics I was sent on the 9th...according to owner 10 days AFTER she "noticed symptoms"
  13. Vyxxin

    Serious problem with feet

    Working on pics but having a hard time and I'm pretty good at pics...
  14. Vyxxin

    Chin spin rubbing on fleece liner?

    The advice given by obcsed is solid advice. Mount it higher so it spins freely but be sure that the chinchilla cannot get wedged between the wheel and any other surface (floor, sides or roof) as THAT is a serious hazard. I haven't had it happen with chins...but I once lost a hamster that way and...
  15. Vyxxin

    Spring Apple is Here (Limited Quantity)'s yours if you want it ;)
  16. Vyxxin

    Spring Apple is Here (Limited Quantity)

    Still have 15 hanging toys, again...will do $65 for the whole bunch of 'em INCLUDING SHIPPING!
  17. Vyxxin

    Spring Apple is Here (Limited Quantity)

    Solid wood apple toys available: 5 THICK- thick toys have 8 or 9 thick sticks on them (left) 4 MEDIUM- medium toys have 11 or 12 medium thickness sticks on them (middle) 6 THIN- thin toys have 13 or 15 thin sticks on them (right) Each toy is approx. 6" long. Each toy is $5. If somebody wants...
  18. Vyxxin

    Spring Apple is Here (Limited Quantity)

    BUMP! All sticks/twigs spoken this time I'm down to just hanging toys. I haven't put them together yet so there is still some flexibility as to what is on them. I do have fingertraps, some loofah, thin apple sticks, apple whirlies...$5 for a 6" toy!
  19. Vyxxin

    Herd sell off question

    AND...if Tiff or the Baars can't help you I might be able to. My foundation stock is built on Longenecker/Hykes lines so I have a LOT of old pedigree info ;) If you don't mind, shoot me a line regardless...I wouldn't mind hearing who you have and where you came by them ;)
  20. Vyxxin

    No exotics.

    ICK! While I know real estate is definitely an iffy investment these days...THIS is why I'm SO glad we bought our home. When we did rent it wasn't an issue but that was a decade ago and people are more uptight these days. Even then we really only listed "caged pet" and that was sufficient :(...