kit prolapse - paws crossed everyone!

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2013
These kits sure have been an adventure. Today I discovered one of Luna's babies prolapsed. It happened sometime between 8am and 11am, when I discovered it. Off to the vet we went, and here I sit waiting. It feels like an eternity, and I want to scream at someone for not realizing the urgency! :hair: I really hope they take us soon. In reality it's only been a little over 5 minutes but it just feels like ages.

Has anyone had a kit survive this? If it happened shortly after 8 how bad is the outlook? I'm hoping it happened not too long before I discovered it at 11, and I know when I checked on everyone at 8 she was fine.

Do I have to worry about it happening to the other baby too now? Any suggestions from anyone whose been through it?

She will be two weeks old tomorrow... she's such a sweet little thing... :cry3:
Prolapse is never a good thing. In an adult it is hard, in a kit even harder. If the exposed tissue is still pink you've got a chance. If it has turned black, you don't, the tissue has died. I know of one or two chins who have survived after a prolapse. They had the prolapse reinserted and then had to have a stitch put in to keep it in while everything settled back into place and healed. I will send good thoughts, but be prepared for the reality. I have never had a chin survive with prolapse, not even after surgery and with pink tissue. I wish I could give you better news.
The vet is estimating $570 for the procedure, and says she needs to be sedated. Does this sound right? Based on other threads I've read on this, I've never read about them being sedated. I'm not sure what to do, I'm afraid they don't know what they're doing here. Of course my normal vet is away till Thursday so I had to try this place.
Did you ask about survival chances? My chin was sedated for the procedure.
I had one kit have a prolapse, was sedated for the procedure. Did well for a week or so but did not survive. The prolapse was persistant. :(
It was a rectal prolapse. The surgery went well, and she seems okay, but I don't really have a great feeling about it since the outlook is so poor :( I hope she can pull through.
We all hope she can to. Hope for the best!

Is she still being fed formula?
I am having trouble with attachments. Not sure why it is not showing up. I tried to delete and start over but that didn't work either. If a mod could let me know, that would be great. Thanks.
I had one survive. His name was King. He prolapsed a few years back. And he lived almost 3 years past that but did pass this Winter
Thanks everyone, it's really nice to hear some success stories! She's doing okay so far.

She's not being hand fed, she has been doing well on mom's milk.
My little girl relapsed and passed away last night :cry3: she was so spunky, I was really expecting her to make it through just fine .... :( poor little munchkin...
So sorry for your loss, prolapse as mentioned is very easy to have happen and very hard to repair :( I rarely see good outcomes.