Herd sell off question

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
I'm going to put this question here as I think hobby breeders and those who show will most likely see it and respond.

I'm having a problem with a pedigree from an animal that came out of Dennis Longnecker lines. Anyone know who he sold out to?
I have contacted him twice with emails and no response. Now I'm going to narrow my search to the current owner of the herd and see if they have something in software that might help me out.

AND...if Tiff or the Baars can't help you I might be able to. My foundation stock is built on Longenecker/Hykes lines so I have a LOT of old pedigree info ;) If you don't mind, shoot me a line regardless...I wouldn't mind hearing who you have and where you came by them ;)
AND...if Tiff or the Baars can't help you I might be able to. My foundation stock is built on Longenecker/Hykes lines so I have a LOT of old pedigree info ;) If you don't mind, shoot me a line regardless...I wouldn't mind hearing who you have and where you came by them ;)

Note sent. Thanks Ange.