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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Shooper

    Meet Smudge!!!!!!

    Congrats! She is adorable!
  2. Shooper

    This is Mya :)

    Lots of time and taking it slow and I'm sure she will come around! Sounds like you are off to a great start, congrats! She is cute!
  3. Shooper

    Decisions, decisions

    I think a bigger cage will allow more room for hanging toys, swings ledges or whatever else you get. As far as getting another chin...there is no guarantee that they will even get along and you may end up with two seperate caged chins.
  4. Shooper

    What kind of cage do you have and why?

    Ferret Nation cage is best for me. They are very roomy, all metal, and you can order metal pans that have a lip around them. I dont think anything will keep "ALL" the chin poop inside a cage though!
  5. Shooper

    Different pets with chins

    I have a double FN with a female chin in the top level and my rats in the bottom. They have been this way for a long time and I've never had a problem. They dont even seem to know that anyone lives above/below them. They dont interact with each other of course, but living that close has been fine!
  6. Shooper

    Interaction between pets?

    I think each dog is different. I do let my dogs interact with my rats, chins, hedgie and glider. Two of my dogs just ignore the small critters and my lab/chow loves everything as if they were her babies. If I ever had a reason to worry, I wouldnt chance it though!
  7. Shooper

    We miss you Chilla!

    Wow 17! Sounds like she had a great long life with you. Sorry for your loss.
  8. Shooper

    He's here

    Congrats! Let the good times begin!
  9. Shooper

    Whose Birthday is 10/15/13?

    My Birthday was yesterday also (10-15) and I recieved an Email from CNH...thanks guys!!
  10. Shooper

    Bad Wheels, Plastic, Dangerous Cages?

    I agree, as long as you are offering advice in a tactful way, I see no problem. It's good that you want to help.
  11. Shooper

    Hey Everyone!

    Welcome, I'm glad you joined us!
  12. Shooper


    I have a pair that I rescued quite some time ago that I would like to rehome. I want them to go to a good home with experience or willing to learn the right care. One is a beige male and one is a mosaic male. I will get pics up if anyone is interested. I'm asking 200.00 for the 2 chins, 3...
  13. Shooper


    Welcome! It's awesome that you are researching first, and you came to a good place for that!
  14. Shooper

    Do i need to start over with my chinchillas ?

    One of my guys had to go to the vet and I had to stsrt giving meds (hadn't had him real long). He was "mad" at me for quite some time...but eventually warmed back up. I just tried to give extra attention and time.
  15. Shooper

    New chinchilla owner, help!

    I think its awesome that you are here trying to fix the things that you were mislead about! Sounds like you are gonna be a great chin parent! There is sooo much good info here, I suggest getting cozy and read, read, and read!
  16. Shooper

    Sin City

    Welcome! Cant wait to see pics!
  17. Shooper


    Thanks! He's a character for sure!
  18. Shooper


    Well, Smokey and Bandit have had lots of accessories from the movie (Trans Am bed, name plates, ect) but Bandit is especially proud of his new "Burt Reynolds" hat!
  19. Shooper

    Please help!!!!!!!

    Can you slide a broom under and scare her out?
  20. Shooper

    Which is harder to take care of in general? A chin or a hedgie?

    I have both and the chins are way more time consuming than hedgie!