Hedgies are muuuch easier to take care of. Aside from some daily wheel scrubbing they don't require much. Ours rarely need bathes of any kind. Maybe every 4 months so I don't know why someone would say they need a lot of cleaning. Bathes are a cake walk. Mix some oatmeal in the water to avoid dry skin, pour it over the hedgehog's back, scrub their little feet to make sure they don't have poop boots, and dry them. Maybe 5mins. We use fleece and just wash it all once a week. Take out the wheel, food dish, and water dish, dump them in the bathtub for scrubbing, roll up the fleece and hedgie bag together, toss in washer, repeat until all cages are done or washer is full, clean, dry, replace. The chins require every other day fleece changes with many items to remove and scrubbing shelves. Occasional sanding of wood items.
Hedgehogs also don't need much in their cage. They don't play with toys really. They need a wheel, food, water, and a place to sleep that's dark and they are happy. You can give them things like cat balls but they don't really need them and most will just bulldoze past them like they aren't there. Chins need toys, branches, houses, ledges, hay which requires more cleaning from the wasted stuff, their wheels are insanely expensive compared to a hedgie bucket wheel... Setting up a room for 5 hedgehogs cost me 1/10th what 4 chin cages are going to cost to setup not counting the cost to get the cages. Friday we are ordering the next set of bass pans for the 2nd cage and I have a custom order on hold with someone to make chin houses and mountable tunnels for $60 without shipping. Next I'm buying feeding ledges. Then we have to start saving for wheels.
Every other day we quickly chin proof and then let them in the bathroom to exercise and take dust baths while we clean their cage. Then we have to sweep the whole bathroom and turn on the exhaust fan because of the dust everywhere and some chin poop. The hedgies when we get them out might pee or poop in the exercise pens but a quick paper towel wipe fixes that and often we can have them out on the bed or couch for hours with no mess and without them running off. We don't have to hedgehog proof an entire room in order to get them out of their cages.